Chatbots Web Sites
I search the internet daily for new articles from around the world that interest me or I think will interest you. My hope is that it saves you time or helps students with their assignments. Listed by most recent first, dating back to 2005.
Ayumi Cassini - Enjoying Second Life and exploring its potential for entertainment, education, business, arts and science.
BearBot - Steve Worswick
Billy Project - A.I. development
Chatbottle - Top 100 Chatbot Awards
ChatGPT - AI chatbot trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response.
Chomsky - Pandorabots
AI chatbot Claude from Anthropic
Cleverbot - Chatbot
John Lennon AI Project - Recreating the personality of the late Beatle, John Lennon
iEinstein - Pandorabots
Lauren - Pandorabots
Kuki - AI BFF
New World Notes - Wagner James Au Reports first-hand from the Metaverse
Pandorabots - Chatbot hosting
RebeccaAIML - AIML development platform
Runabots - Chatbots
The Alan Turing Home Page - Site dedicated to Alan Turin
The Personality Forge - Chatbot hosting
The Simon Laven Page - Chatbot directory
Verbot - Verbally-enhanced software robots