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Top 5 Scariest Future Technologies and Scenarios


An extreme closeup of a cyborg person with a glowing eye looking into the camera.



Designer Babies


A baby with dark hair is sleeping in a white blanket. The text reads: #5 Cute Babies Our New Masters. You might be thinking that if I am frightened by an adorable little baby, what am I not afraid of? But with designer babies , human cloning, and artificial wombs popping out in the not too distant future, My concerns may be valid. There's a baby fat chance that my future child, bootstrapped with my brain and her mother's looks, could compete with a super-smart-, super-model kid. I believe we are headed for trouble with reproductive technologies, because like most parents, there is little I would not do to help my children achieve their max potential. And if these babies are as smart as they predict, they will still have us changing their diapers.


You might be thinking that if I am frightened by an adorable little baby, what am I not afraid of? But with designer babies , human cloning, and artificial wombs popping out in the not too distant future, My concerns may be valid. There's a baby fat chance that my future child, bootstrapped with my brain and her mother's looks, could compete with a super-smart-, super-model kid. I believe we are headed for trouble with reproductive technologies, because like most parents, there is little I would not do to help my children achieve their max potential. And if these babies are as smart as they predict, they will still have us changing their diapers.





A closeup of a wide-eyed person with black glasses peering over a white desk with the fingers of both hands on the edge. Nanobots of different sizes, but all the same shape, are all over the desk. One nanobot is on the person's hands and another on their glasses. The text reads: #4 Nanobots.  Nanobots are nothing more than really, really small robots. Some could be so small that they would be invisible to the naked eye, others the size of a flea or ant. In the future, nanobots might be swimming through your veins or swarming together on your desk to form 3D objects. Larger microbots will be tiny crawling, climbing, flying robots capable of carrying cameras, microphones and a variety of sensors.


Nanobots are nothing more than really, really small robots. Some could be so small that they would be invisible to the naked eye, others the size of a flea or ant. In the future, nanobots might be swimming through your veins or swarming together on your desk to form 3D objects. Larger microbots will be tiny crawling, climbing, flying robots capable of carrying cameras, microphones and a variety of sensors.





A young mad scientist with wild hair is wearing protective glasses and blue rubber gloves and holding a flask in each hand, one with red liquid, the other with blue liquid, and facing the camera. They have on a blue medical mask that is pulled down which reveals a crazy smile. The text reads: #3 Biotechnology. Decoding the genome will lead to cures for many heriditary diseases, but has also opened the door to genetic discrimination and bioterrorism. With the projected ease and cost at which life may be manipulated and created, another concern with biotechnology is garage scientists. Amateur scientists that could create a resistant virus or a dangerous new form of life.


Decoding the genome will lead to cures for many heriditary diseases, but has also opened the door to genetic discrimination and bioterrorism. With the projected ease and cost at which life may be manipulated and created, another concern with biotechnology is garage scientists. Amateur scientists that could create a resistant virus or a dangerous new form of life.



Brain Tech


A grayscale xray image of a brain neuron with fuzzy tendrils branching out. The text reads: #2 Scary Thoughts. Cognitive sciences are getting a boost from the latest imaging technologies that are helping scientists see inside the brain--while it is working. What is in danger is your private thoughts. Brain scans could be used by governments, law enforcement and employers to know if you are lying, commited a crime, or are thinking of doing a crime. Corporations are already scanning the brains of test subjects as they view their advertising, to find out what marketing tricks have the most affect.


Cognitive sciences are getting a boost from the latest imaging technologies that are helping scientists see inside the brain--while it is working. What is in danger is your private thoughts. Brain scans could be used by governments, law enforcement and employers to know if you are lying, commited a crime, or are thinking of doing a crime. Corporations are already scanning the brains of test subjects as they view their advertising, to find out what marketing tricks have the most affect.



Artificial Intelligence


A closeup from the side of a human hand moving a chess piece on a chess board and a robot hand moving another piece. The text reads: #1 The Singularity. The Singularity is the theoretical point in time when artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence. After that, put your money on AI. Robots that serve humanity without question might change their mind if they gain too much intelligence. There may actually come a day when watching The Terminator in front of your vacuum is a bad idea.


The Singularity is the theoretical point in time when artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence. After that, put your money on AI. Robots that serve humanity without question might change their mind if they gain too much intelligence. There may actually come a day when watching The Terminator in front of your vacuum is a bad idea.




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FutureForAll.org aims to increase public awareness of rapidly advancing technologies, and to encourage students to consider careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM).