Future Technology Websites
Google for Education - Information about Google’s education-related efforts
Grand Challenges for Engineering - Leading technological thinkers identify future challenges
H+Pedia - a project to spread accurate, accessible, non-sensationalistic information about transhumanism among the general public
Imagination Foundation - To find, foster and fund creativity and entrepreneurship in children around the world
Life In The Future - Takes a look into the future
Long Bets - Arena for competitive, accountable predictions
The Online Think Tank - Lance Winslow
Phrenicea - A vision of our future
Saffo - By Paul Saffo
The Future of Things - Bringing science and technology to the general public
The Millennium Project - International utility to assist in organizing futures research
The Technium - Kevin Kelly
World Future Society - Promotes serious thinking about future possibilities
2020 Science - Blog by Andrew Maynard
General Science Links
AAAS - Dedicated to advancing science around the world
ABC Science - Australian Broadcast Corporation
American Physical Society - To advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics
Buckminster Fuller Institute - Solutions which radically advance human well being
Discoveries and Breakthroughs Inside Science - Science and engineering news
Explain That Stuff! - A web site by British writer Chris Woodford
Exploritorium - An online museum of science, art and human perception
ISIS - Developing science that is socially responsible
LabLit.com - Portrayal and perceptions of lab culture
NAS - National Academy of Science
NOVA scienceNOW - PBS
Science Magazine - Scientific news, commentary, and cutting-edge research
The Tech Museum of Innovation - Online exhibits
Government Future Technology and Science Links
Berkeley Lab News Room - U.S. Department of Energy
Brookhaven National Lab - U.S. Department of Energy
Energy.gov - U.S. Department of Energy
FTC - Federal Trade Commission
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - U.S. Department of Energy
Nano.gov - U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative
National Institute of Standards and Technology - U.S. Department of Commerce
USA.gov - U.S. Government Portal
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - U.S. Department of Labor