Future of Water

About 71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered. There is approximately 332,500,000 cubic miles of the wet stuff on our planet. Unfortunately, it is mostly ocean water, unfit for what humans truly need to fill convenient plastic bottles with. Only 3% of Earth's water is freshwater, and two-thirds of that is locked away in glaciers and ice caps, unavailable for immediate use. Even among accessible freshwater, a significant portion lies deep underground or is polluted. In addition, freshwater resources are not evenly distributed. Some regions face chronic water scarcity, while others have abundant supplies. Climate change is further exacerbating these inequalities through erratic rainfall patterns and droughts.
Earth's Freshwater Supply
The image below shows Earth's water in droplets, when compared to the size of the Earth.
The water spheres signify:
(1) All water (sphere over western U.S., 860 miles in diameter)
(2) Fresh liquid water in the ground, lakes, swamps, and rivers (sphere over Kentucky, 169.5 miles in diameter), and
(3) Fresh-water lakes and rivers (sphere over Georgia, 34.9 miles in diameter).

Technology to the Rescue
Certainly, this is one calamity that technology can help us avoid. Scan most future technology timelines and you'll see that by 2050, I should be able to take my 101 year-old transhuman-self to an A.I. virtual concert on a hoverboard made of flying nanobots. But hey, getting the salt out of water, we can't do that. Really?
Supply and Da' Man
Round' here, (North America), we have more water breaks than a city maternity ward. Approximately 850 water main breaks each day. The reasons run clear. Out of sight--out of mind, and behemoth muninciple services often become reactive instead of proactive.
Wars Over Water?
Water is a finite resource that is essential to human existence. If you say that water could become a resource like oil, that economic or even military wars are fought over, you'd be right as rain. Of course, just because It could happen, doesn't mean it will.
As an optimist, I look to technology to solve future coal and oil shortages with alternative energies, food shortages with biotechnology, and water shortages through cost effective desalinization, nanotechnology-based filters, self-cleaning and hydrophobic surfaces, and other technologies not even thought of yet. Like the ability to manuever a raincloud over Coober Pedy.
The future of freshwater is uncertain, but steps can be taken to address the challenges. We need to prioritize sustainable water management, conservation efforts, and adaptation strategies to ensure freshwater security for future generations.
Future of Water Articles and Web Sites
I search the internet daily for new articles from around the world that interest me or I think will interest you. My hope is that it saves you time or helps students with their assignments. Listed by most recent first, dating back to 2005.
How Can Robots Improve Our Waterways? from Columbia News
Researchers strike the Achilles Heel of desalination from Anthrocopene Magazine
Three-quarters of the world’s land is drying out, ‘redefining life on Earth’ from Grist
Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources Will Increase Price Tag to Decarbonize the Grid from UC San Diego
Breakthrough Tech Captures and Destroys Forever Chemicals in a Single Process – a Game-Changer for Clean Water from SciTechDaily
Five Facts to Boost Your Water Power Wisdom This National Energy Awareness Month from Energy.gov
The system that moves water around the Earth is off balance for the first time in human history from CNN
The air contains 6x more water than all the world’s rivers. Here’s how to harvest it. from Anthrocopene Magazine
Turning seawater into fresh water through solar power from Waterloo news
Watch water form out of thin air from Northwestern University
Water is at the heart of farmers’ struggle to survive in Benin from Yale Climate Connections
Frequently Asked Questions about Sea-Level Rise from Scripps Institution of Oceanography
The oceans are talking to us, and it's not a pleasant conversation from CBC
They built a prototype of a self-sustaining floating farm that turns saltwater to freshwater from Anthrocopene
3D-Printed ‘Living Material’ Could Clean Up Contaminated Water from UC San Diego
The Ocean Has a Fever from Earth Observatory
Filtering the Water of Tomorrow with Advanced Nanomaterials from Nano Magazine
Why we need to respect Earth’s last great wilderness – the ocean from The Guardian
Deep Trouble: New Study Reveals Marine Heat Waves Reach the Ocean Floor from SciTechDaily
Across the US, millions of people are drinking unsafe water from Ensia
What does water want? Most humans seem to have forgotten from Psyche
Hydropower Plant Will Go Offline Thanks to Punishing Drought from Gizmodo
5 Things to Know About How SWOT Will Look at the World's Water from NASA
Desalinating seawater sounds easy, but there are cheaper and more sustainable ways to meet people’s water needs from The Conversation
Drinking Water of the Future May Come Increasingly From Toilets from Newser
Satellites are Tracking Rivers of Garbage Flowing Across the Oceans from Universe Today
Preparing for water scarcity using hybrid desalination technologies from EurekAlert
A glass of ocean water: Quebec company wins award for desalination technology from The Weather Network
Germany's Rhine River is Inches Away from Failure from Gizmodo
Is solar-powered desalination the solution to the world’s growing water crisis? from EuroNews
Super-Absorbent Gel Pulls Fresh Water Out of Thin Air from Gizmodo
Looking at Earth’s Water NASA JPL video
The future of desalination? from EurekAlert
From Seawater To Drinking Water, With The Push Of A Button from ScienceBlog
Cleaning water with sunlight and nanotechnology from Cosmos
World Water Day: Are we ready for the thirsty future? from DownToEarth
First 'Atlas' of World Glaciers Reveals Dire Warning for Water-Scarce Future from Vice
This $4 Desalination System Can Meet a Family’s Daily Water Needs from Singularity Hub
Gizmodo posted Why Trying to Clean Up All the Ocean Plastic Is Pointless
The future of water ESA video
The Conversation posted As climate change parches the Southwest, here’s a better way to share water from the shrinking Colorado River
Should All Dams Be Removed? Seeker video
Extra-high tides offer a glimpse into the future as sea level rises from NPR
WaterPod: Sustainable desalination pod. Malaysia 2021 James Dyson Award winner. video
Future Sea Level Rise: What Are We Missing, and How Much Should It Scare Us? from SciTechDaily
IPCC climate report: Profound changes are underway in Earth’s oceans and ice – a lead author explains what the warnings mean from The Conversation
Hydropower plant in California forced to shut down due to low water levels from Digital Journal
Future Sea Level Rise: When, Where, How Much? from EarthSky
Adapt or We’ll Break: A Water Expert Lays Out the West’s Risky Future in the Megadrought Era from Gizmodo
A nanofiber membrane could help solve the drinking water crisis from Engadget
Testing on a river to combat plastic in the oceans ETH Zürich video
Marine Energy Atlas from NREL
CNET posted Stopping plastic in rivers from reaching the ocean with new tech from The Ocean Cleanup
Interstate water wars are heating up along with the climate from The Conversation
Explained - World's Water Crisis free Netflix video
Ocean heatwaves like The Blob cause lasting damage to marine ecosystems from Massive Science
A Promising Path Forward for Cotton and Water from CSR Newswire
The future of water should not start with water from World Economic Forum
Researchers Seek More Efficient Way To Harvest Water from University of Texas at Dallas
Ensia posted a nine-month investigation of drinking water contamination across the U.S.
OCHA posted Five things to know about desalination
Oceans 21 is a Conversation international series examining the history and future of the world’s ocean
Sea Level Rise Viewer - noaa.gov
A Norwegian Startup Is Turning Dry Deserts Into Fertile Cropland - singularityhub.com
Aquatic robots can remove contaminant particles from water - warwick.ac.uk
Ambitious designs for underwater 'space station' and habitat unveiled - cnn.com
Engineers use electricity to clean up toxic water - sydney.edu.au
Clean Water Should Be a Right, Not a Privilege. These Entrepreneurs Are Working to Make It So - singularityhub.com
Water solutions without a grain of salt - Monash University
Inching Towards Abundant Water: New Progress in Desalination Tech - Singularity Hub
DOE Launches Wave Energy Water Desalination Prize Competition - Energy.gov
New method can help predict reservoir levels three months in advance - DowntoEarth
Population increases and climate change point to future U.S. water shortages - AGU
Saving the Seas: New Technologies to Protect the Ocean - Singularity Hub
Geothermal energy could be used to make desalinated water without the carbon cost - The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Why the ocean is cooking off the coast of Southern California - Mashable
Seawater desalination will quench the thirst of a parched planet - Engadget - 10/17
Squeezing every drop of fresh water from waste brine - Phys.org - 04/17
Pulling drinkable water out of dry air - Youtube (3:00) - 04/17
Is Earth's total water finite? - The Naked Scientists - 04/17
Sea change: As desalination technology advances, oceans may hold the answer to the world’s water crisis - Salon - 01/17
Water Scarcity Due to Climate Change Will Have Severe Consequences, World Bank Warns - The Weather Channel - 05/16
First map of Earth’s hidden groundwater reserves shows we’re using them too quickly - Science Alert - 11/15
MIT team invents efficient shockwave-based process for desalination of water - MIT News - 11/15
Nanopores could take the salt out of seawater - Phys.Org - 11/15
Desalination study authors explore fabricated membrane - Phys.Org - 11/15
Pervaporation - New Atlas - 10/15
WaterStillar readies roll-out of scaleable solar water distiller - New Atlas - 10/15
Michigan's mounting water failures - Detroit Free Press - 10/15
Depleting the Water (about groundwater) - 60 Minutes - 11/14
Arizona Could Be Out of Water in Six Years - Smithsonian.com - 06/14
Parched Earth Policy: Are We Running Out of Water? - CNBC - 11/12
How Much Longer Until We Run Out of Enough Drinkable Water? - Alternet - 06/10
Future of Water Web Sites
100+ Ways to Conserve - Water Use it Wisely
Conservation International - Protecting nature for the benefit of everyone on Earth
Exactly what happens if we run out of water? - How Stuff Works
Rainmaker - The Water Project from Billions in Change
The Ocean Cleanup - Project to rid the oceans of plastic
Water Conservation - Wikipedia
Water Online - Industry web site
What is groundwater? - USGS
World Water Council - Giving an audible voice to water
World Water Day - United Nations Observance