
Microscopes are an essential tool in scientific research and have played a significant role in shaping our understanding of the world around us. They have been used to study everything from cells and microorganisms to the structure of materials and surfaces. Over time, microscope technology has evolved, becoming more powerful and versatile.
The earliest microscopes were developed in the late 16th century, and they used lenses to magnify objects. These early microscopes were relatively simple, consisting of a single lens mounted in a tube. The development of the compound microscope in the 17th century revolutionized the field of microscopy, allowing for higher magnification and clearer images. The compound microscope uses two lenses, an objective lens close to the specimen and an eyepiece lens close to the eye, to magnify the image.
In the 20th century, the development of the electron microscope allowed scientists to see things on a much smaller scale. Electron microscopes use a beam of electrons instead of light to create an image. They can achieve much higher magnification than traditional microscopes, up to two million times. They are essential in fields such as material science and nanotechnology.
One of the latest advances in microscope technology is the development of the super-resolution microscope. Super-resolution microscopy overcomes the diffraction limit of light microscopy, which has traditionally limited the resolution to about 200 nanometers. Super-resolution microscopy can achieve resolutions down to a few nanometers, allowing scientists to see structures within cells and materials that were previously invisible.
There are several types of super-resolution microscopy techniques, including stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED), structured illumination microscopy (SIM), and single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM). Each technique uses different mechanisms to overcome the diffraction limit and achieve higher resolution.
Another recent development in microscope technology is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. AI can be used to analyze large amounts of data generated by microscopy, helping scientists to identify patterns and make discoveries that would be difficult or impossible to detect manually. AI can also be used to control the microscope, improving the accuracy and efficiency of experiments.
Microscope technology has come a long way since its inception, and new advances are being made all the time. From simple lenses to electron microscopes and super-resolution microscopy, microscopes have allowed us to see and understand the world in ways that were once impossible. The integration of AI and machine learning promises to open up even more possibilities in the field of microscopy, and we can only imagine what discoveries lie ahead.
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Optical Microscopes
An optical microscope, also known as a light microscope, is a type of microscope that uses visible light and lenses to magnify and create an image of a specimen. It is one of the most common types of microscopes and is widely used in biology, medicine, and materials science.
Optical microscopes use a combination of lenses to magnify the specimen and project the image onto the observer's eye or a camera. The magnification is achieved by the objective lens, which is located close to the specimen, and the eyepiece lens, which is close to the observer's eye. The total magnification is calculated by multiplying the magnification of the objective lens by the magnification of the eyepiece lens.
There are several types of optical microscopes, including compound microscopes, stereo microscopes, and fluorescence microscopes. Compound microscopes are the most common type of optical microscope and use two lenses to create a magnified image of the specimen. Stereo microscopes, also known as dissecting microscopes, use two separate optical paths to provide a three-dimensional view of the specimen. Fluorescence microscopes use specific wavelengths of light to excite fluorescent molecules in the specimen, allowing for highly specific imaging.
Optical microscopes have several advantages over other types of microscopes. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to use, and can provide a high level of magnification and resolution. They also allow for live observation of specimens and can be used to study a wide range of samples, including cells, tissues, and materials.
Optical microscopes also have limitations. They are limited by the wavelength of visible light, which restricts their resolution to around 200 nanometers. This means that they cannot be used to study structures that are smaller than this, such as individual atoms or molecules. Additionally, the preparation of samples for optical microscopy can be time-consuming and require specialized techniques.
Electron Microscopes
An electron microscope is a type of microscope that uses a beam of electrons to create an image of a specimen. Unlike traditional light microscopes, which use visible light to illuminate the specimen, electron microscopes use a beam of electrons to create a highly magnified image with a much higher resolution.
There are two main types of electron microscopes: transmission electron microscopes (TEM) and scanning electron microscopes (SEM). In a transmission electron microscope, the electron beam is transmitted through the specimen, and the resulting image is formed by electrons that have passed through the specimen and interacted with a fluorescent screen or detector. In a scanning electron microscope, the electron beam is scanned over the surface of the specimen, and the resulting image is formed by electrons that have bounced back from the specimen and interacted with a detector.
Electron microscopes have many advantages over traditional light microscopes. They can achieve much higher magnification, up to two million times, and much higher resolution, up to a few picometers. This makes them essential tools for studying materials at the nanoscale, including microorganisms, cells, and subcellular structures.
Electron microscopes also have some disadvantages. They are much larger and more expensive than light microscopes, and they require a vacuum to operate, which can limit the types of samples that can be studied. Additionally, the preparation of samples for electron microscopy can be time-consuming and require specialized techniques, such as freeze-fracturing or thin-sectioning.
Scanning Probe Microscopy
Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) is a type of microscopy that uses a probe to scan the surface of a specimen to create a high-resolution, three-dimensional image. Unlike optical and electron microscopes, which use beams of light or electrons, SPM uses a physical probe that interacts with the specimen to create an image.
There are several types of SPM, including scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM). In STM, a fine-tipped probe is brought very close to the surface of a conductive specimen, and a voltage is applied between the probe and the specimen. As the probe scans over the surface, electrons tunnel between the tip and the surface, creating a current that is used to create an image.
In AFM, the probe is a small cantilever with a sharp tip that is brought into contact with the surface of the specimen. As the cantilever scans over the surface, it is deflected by the interaction between the tip and the surface, and this deflection is measured to create an image of the surface topography.
SNOM is a type of SPM that uses a small aperture in the tip of the probe to create a highly localized light source. As the probe scans over the surface, light is emitted from the aperture and interacts with the specimen, creating a highly localized image of the surface.
SPM has several advantages over other types of microscopy. It can achieve extremely high resolution, down to the atomic scale, and can provide information about the physical and chemical properties of the surface being studied, such as electrical conductivity or magnetic properties. Additionally, SPM can be used to image a wide range of samples, including biological materials and thin films.
However, SPM also has limitations. It requires specialized training to operate and can be sensitive to environmental factors such as temperature and humidity. Additionally, SPM is typically a slow process, as the probe must scan over the entire surface to create an image.
Other types of microscopy techniques are
Confocal microscopy is an optical imaging technique that uses a spatial pinhole to block out-of-focus light.
Polarized light microscopy can mean any of a number of optical microscopy techniques involving polarized light.
Spatial Light Interference Microscopy (SLIM) is a new optical microscopy technique, capable of measuring nanoscale structures and dynamics in live cells via interferometry
Microscopy Articles, Videos, and Web Sites
I search the internet daily for new articles from around the world that interest me or I think will interest you. My hope is that it saves you time or helps students with their assignments. Listed by most recent first. Hit NEXT button for more articles
Team designs microscope to study interaction of light and matter in electronic devices from Iowa Now
Hair-Sized Fiber Unlocks New Possibilities for Super-Resolution and 3D Microscopy from AZoOptics
Handheld microscope 1000 times more powerful than CT scan detects cancer cells video
New High-Resolution Imaging Has Wide Potential Uses from Tufts Now
Overcoming Instrumental Limits: A New Era in Nanoscale Imaging from BU
Super-fast microscopes may help researchers map entire mouse brain from UIC
World’s Fastest Microscope Freezes Time To Capture Moving Electrons from SciTechDaily
What you can only see under a scanning electron microscope video
Freeze-frame: U of A researchers develop microscope that can see electrons in motion from University of Arizona
Electron movement seen at the atomic level with a quantum microscope from Earth.com
X-Ray Upgrade Can See Transistors in 3D from IEEE Spectrum
Breaking Barriers: World’s First Dual-Beamline Photoelectron Momentum Microscope Unveiled in Japan from SciTechDaily
Picking apart pollen, a local lab looks at microscopic images of what’s flying in the air video
This Alien Landscape is Actually a Microscopic View of an Atomic Clock from Universe Today
Unlocking the Nanoworld With Supercharged Vortex Beam Microscopy from SciTechDaily
Attosecond Microscopy Sheds Light on Nanomaterials and Solar Cells from AZo Optics
Ph.D. student Blake Rogers talks about microscopes from The NAU Review
Mutant chickens and microscopic bears: 10 stunning images of nature’s hidden wonders from BBC Science Focus
Extraordinary World Of Microscopic Photography from Bored Panda
Fast Super-Resolution Imaging with New Fluorescence Microscope from AZo Optics
When art meets science, check out these neon pics from under the microscope from BBC
Through the lens: spectacular science on a small scale – in pictures from The Guardian
Microscopy Techniques Combine to Create More Powerful Imaging Device from CalTech
This is the first X-ray taken of a single atom from Ars Technica
Quantum microscope taps spooky physics to double resolution of images from New Atlas
Smart microscopy works out where to take the picture from EurekAlert
The Quantum Twisting Microscope: A New Lens on Quantum Materials from Weizmann Institute of Science
Viral video? Watch this microscopic virus try to infect a cell from CBC
Turns Out You Can Turn Old Blu-Ray Players into Microscopes from Gizmodo
Insects in peril in microscopic detail – in pictures from The Guardian
Scientists combine existing technologies to build new ultrafast electron microscope from Nanowerk
These are the top 20 photos from the 2022 Nikon Small World Photo Microscopy Competition from ABC Australia
Advanced microscope techniques could pave way for improved computer memories from Argonne National Laboratory
X-ray microscopy sharpens up from Physics World
One-scan microscopy method rapidly creates 3D images from optics.org
Washington University in St. Louis posted Vortex microscope sees more than ever before
New microscopy method offers 3D tracking of 100 single molecules at once from Arizona State University
SciTechDaily posted Stunning Images Captured Using the Glowing Properties of Plant Cells
Treehugger posted High technology meets art in these colorized micrographs
Cornell University posted Advanced microscopy shines light on new CRISPR-Cas system from Cornell University
Digital Trends posted This outrageously powerful microscope is made of LEGOs and smartphone lenses
University of Queensland posted Australian researchers create quantum microscope that can see the impossible
Michigan Medicine posted Microscopic imaging without a microscope?
A quantum hack for microscopes can reveal the undiscovered details of life from The Conversation
Hackaday posted Optical Microscope Resolves Down To 40 Nanometers
The Rosalind Franklin Institute posted Unique microscope to film molecules in motion
ZME Science posted Novel microscopy technique shows cell nucleus rotating
The future of electron microscopy from John Hopkins University
Scientists Thrilled to Observe The First Milliseconds of Gold Crystal Formation from Science Alert
Improved microscopy technique sees living cells with seven times more sensitivity from Physics World
Automated Electron Microscopy from Harvard Medical School
New electron microscopy technique offers first look at previously hidden processes from Nanowerk
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory article on the future of how microscopy data is gathered and used in Enabling the Data-Driven Future of Microscopy
Nikon's Small World 2020 Photomicrography Competition winners
Extremely Brilliant X-Ray Beams Are About to Revolutionize How We See Into Matter on Gizmodo is a very interesting article about a big improvement in synchrotron X-ray imaging.
Nikon Small World in Motion Competition 2020 Winners - nikonsmallworld.com
Simple change to microscope opens up complex panorama of cells - Youtube
This looping aquatic treadmill lets tiny ocean creatures swim forever under the microscope - techcrunch.com
SEM: Explore the microscopic world in color - selectscience.net
Researchers directly obtain 3-D, full-color images with conventional microscope - phys.org
New Quantum Microscope Recording the Flow of Light - Youtube
New discovery advances optical microscopy - eurekalert.org
Cutting edge two-photon microscopy system breaks new grounds in retinal imaging - eurekalert.org
Extreme closeup of mouse-brain slice wins top Life Science Microscopy prize - arstechnica.com
Electron microscope animation: Carbon nanotubes pulled into thread - Youtube
High-speed microscope captures fleeting brain signals - berkeley.edu
What is Protein X-Ray Crystallography? - jic.ac.uk
2019 UCLA microscopy image and video contest winners selected - ucla.edu
Incredible microscope video of an otherworldly green algae colony - boingboing.net
What is Super-Resolution Microscopy? STED, SIM and STORM Explained - technologynetworks.com
World-Leading Microscopes Take Candid Snapshots of Atoms in Their ‘Neighborhoods’ - newscenter.lbl.gov
High-end microscopy reveals structure and function of crucial metabolic enzyme - phys.org
Enter the Microscopic World of Bugs With These Award-Winning Garden Photos - Gizmodo
Engineers revolutionize molecular microscopy - EurekAlert
DNA Microscopy Offers Entirely New Way to Image Cells - Howard Hughes Medical Institute
What is atomic force microscope infrared-spectroscopy - News-Medical.net
What happens when the smart home starts thinking for itself? - GearBrain
Meet the creatures that share your home - BBC video
What is Reflection-contrast Microscopy? - News-Medical.Net
New microscopy technique peers deep into the brain - Rockefeller.edu
The world’s first microscope to combine both holotomography and 3D fluorescence imaging - News-Medical.net
Stanford researchers make movies of photochemistry in single nanoparticles - Stanford University
How to build a solar microscope - Popular Science
New Microscope Offers 4-D Look at Embryonic Development in Living Mice - HHMI
Computers and AI find structures inside living cells without fluorescent labels - Youtube (:59)
New imaging reveals hidden details of viruses - Cosmos Magazine
Peering into private life of atomic clusters using the world’s tiniest test tubes - Youtube (:36)
Holotomography - 3D shapes of live cells and tissues without using dyes or fluorescence - Youtube (:44)
Microscopy images - Justin Zoll
Immune Cell Migration in the Zebrafish Inner Ear - Youtube (1:09)
ICR Researchers use Cryo-Electron Microscopy to zoom in on DNA code being read in cells - Youtube (1:20)
Super-resolution microscopy reveals fine detail of cellular mesh - UC Berkeley
A Neurobiologist Thinks Big — and Small - Quanta Magazine
Team maps magnetic fields of bacterial cells and nano-objects for the first time - Phys.org - 12/17
Color Transmission Electron Microscopy - BiteSizeBio - 12/17
These laser microscope pics show synapses firing in amazing detail - Gaia Cantelli - 12/17
Mirror image: Researchers create higher-quality pictures of biospecimens - Phys.org - 11/17
DIY: Scientists Release a How-To for Building a Smartphone Microscope - University of Houston - 11/17
Genetic engineering mechanism visualized - Phys.org - 11/17
What is Ultraviolet Microscopy? - News-Medical.Net - 06/17
The Future of Molecular Visualization - Harvard Medical School - 01/17
What is Confocal Imaging? - News-Medical.Net - 12/16
First color images produced by electron microscope - The Simmons Voice - 11/16
Quantum MRI Machine Allows Single Molecule Microscopy - Photonic Online - 10/16
Spotting hidden activity in cells - MIT on Youtube - 04/16
How bacteria make a grappling hook for propulsion - Youtube - 03/16
New microscope creates near-real-time videos of nanoscale processes - MIT - 12/15
ORNL's hybrid device combines microscopy and mass spectrometry - New Atlas - 11/15
The super-resolution revolution - Phys.Org - 03/15
New microscopy technique captures 3-D images of cells as they flow through a microfluidic channel - Phys.Org - 03/14
New microscope captures movements of atoms and molecules - Phys.Org - 11/13
Seeing in Color at the Nanoscale - Berkeley Lab - 12/12
Small worlds come into focus with new Sandia microscope - Sandia Labs - 11/12
Supermicroscope installed at University of Victoria - CBC News - 06/12
Giant Virus, Tiny Protein Crystals Show X-ray Laser's Power and Potential - SLAC - 02/11
Nanoimaging in 3-D - Phys.Org - 12/09
Scientists 'Write' With Atoms Using An Atomic Force Microscope - ScienceDaily - 01/09
Improving our ability to peek inside molecules - Phys.Org - 09/08
Microscopy Websites
Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis - University of Queensland, AU
History of the Microscope - About.com
Micronaut microscopy images website
Molecular Expressions - Florida State University
NanoBiophotonics - Max Planck Institute
Small World - Nikon
What is a Micrograph? - Wikipedia