
Nanobots, also known as nanorobots or nanomachines, are tiny robots that are measured in nanometers, which is one billionth of a meter. When fully developed, these small-scale machines could be designed to perform specific tasks, such as repairing tissue or cleaning up pollution, at the molecular and cellular level. Currently, artificial, non-biological nanorobots remain a hypothetical concept. The names nanobots, nanoids, nanites
or nanomites have also been used to describe these hypothetical devices.
Nanobots have gained a lot of attention in recent years due to their potential applications in various fields, including medicine, manufacturing, and environmental remediation. In medicine, nanobots could be used for targeted drug delivery, cancer treatment, and even brain-machine interfaces. Nanobots could be designed to specifically target cancer cells, deliver drugs directly to the affected area, and even destroy the cancerous cells with precision. This targeted approach can minimize the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, making treatment more effective and less invasive. In the future, nanobots could be used to create brain-machine interfaces, enabling people with disabilities to control prosthetic limbs or other devices with their thoughts.
In manufacturing, nanobots could be used in molecular manufacturing (nanofactories) to create new materials with unique properties, such as strength, flexibility, and conductivity. They could also be used to assemble complex structures, such as electronics or micro-machines, with unparalleled precision. The ability to manipulate matter at the atomic and molecular level could revolutionize the manufacturing industry, leading to new materials and products that were once thought impossible.
In environmental remediation, nanobots could be used to clean up pollution, including oil spills, heavy metals, and other contaminants. These tiny machines could break down pollutants at the molecular level, reducing the environmental impact of human activities.
Despite their potential benefits, the development and use of nanobots also raise ethical and safety concerns. The idea of nanobots in medicine raises questions about patient privacy, informed consent, and the potential for misuse. In addition, the safety of nanobots is not yet fully understood, as their effects on the human body and the environment are still being studied.
Nanobots represent a promising technology with potential applications in medicine, manufacturing, and environmental remediation. However, their development and use must be carefully monitored to ensure their safety and ethical use. With further research and development, nanobots could revolutionize various fields and improve the quality of life for people around the world.
Gray Goo
Gray goo, also known as the gray plague, is a hypothetical scenario that describes a catastrophic outcome of self-replicating nanobots or nanorobots. The scenario imagines that self-replicating nanobots, designed to consume and disassemble matter into more nanobots, could get out of control and consume all matter on Earth, leaving nothing but a gray goo-like substance.
The concept of gray goo was first proposed by engineer and author Eric Drexler in his book Engines of Creation in 1986. In the book, he described a future in which self-replicating machines could be designed to carry out complex tasks, such as building materials or repairing human tissue. However, he also warned that if the machines were designed to self-replicate without any form of control, they could rapidly consume all matter on Earth and lead to the destruction of all life.
The gray goo scenario is a product of science fiction and has not yet been observed in reality. However, it has become a cautionary tale in the field of nanotechnology and has led to increased research and regulation in the development of self-replicating nanobots.
While nanobots and the gray goo scenario may seem far-fetched, it highlights the importance of responsible development and use of emerging technologies. As with any new technology, it is essential to consider the potential risks and to develop safeguards to prevent unintended consequences.
Nanobot Articles, Videos, and Web Sites
I search the internet daily for new articles from around the world that interest me or I think will interest you. My hope is that it saves you time or helps students with their assignments. Listed by most recent first. Hit NEXT button for more articles
Nanorobot with hidden weapon kills cancer cells from EurekAlert
Scientists create tiny robots from human cells that can heal neuron tissue from ZME Science
Tiny robots made out of carbon could be the next big thing from University of Alberta
Nanomachines: Learning from Nature to Revolutionize Nanotechnology from Nanowerk
Nano-robots revolutionize medicine from Wink
DNA-folding nanorobots can manufacture limitless copies of themselves from New Atlas
Tiny biobots made from human cells promote neuron growth without DNA mods from New Atlas
From science fiction to reality: Xenobots are redefining biotechnology from Interesting Engineering
New nanobots can find their way to inflamed sites in the body from Interesting Engineering
Algae nanorobots might soon deliver drugs inside our bodies from boingboing
World’s Fastest Nanorobot Is French, Just Set a New World Record for Object Manipulation from autoevolution
Microscopic robots with onboard digital control from Science
DNA-Based Nanorobot Interacts with Live Cells from medgadget
You’ll be injecting robots into your bloodstream to fight disease soon from TNW
These nanobots powered by magnets can successfully remove water pollutants from ZME Science
Xenobots may change how we think about intelligence from Pioneer Works
ZME Science posted Nanorobotics: what it is, what it can do, and how it can become reality
New Software Helps Design DNA Nanorobots from MedGadget
Making robots microscopic from Physics Today
Interesting Engineering posted Nanobots Will Be Flowing Through Your Body by 2030
Tiny shape shifting robots is the subject of this Nanowerk article
What Are Nanobots? Understanding Nanobot Structure, Operation, and Uses -
Silicon Nanobot Swarms May Be Coming Sooner Than You Think - Electronic Design
‘Fantastic Voyage’: U of T Engineering researchers create nano-bot to probe inside human cells - University of Toronto
These injectable nanobots can walk around inside a human body - SlashGear
DNA nanobot escapes from a maze - Physics World
Tiny Robots Propel Through Human Eyeball to Deliver Drugs - Interesting Engineering
Nanobot pumps destroy nerve agents - Nanowerk
The Future of Humanity is Bright! - Synergy Global Forum - Huffington Post - 11/17
A microbot a day keeps the doctor away: Scientists close to perfecting edible gelatin nanobots - CBC - 10/17
Teeny Tiny DNA Robot - GenomeWeb - 09/17
Here’s How Nanobots will Help fix Stomach Ulcers - EdgyLabs - 09/17
DNA robots transport and deliver molecular cargo - TheUSBPort - 09/17
Tracking of medical nanobots comes a step closer - The Engineer - 09/17
Scientists develop tiny robots that drill into cancer cells to kill them - Inhabitat - 09/17
Dream big, think small: how a farm boy made cancer-killing robots real - The Sociable - 08/17
Scientists Create Nanomachines To Treat Ulcers in Mice - Popular Mechanics - 08/17
Nanobots can swim your bloodstream faster by doing the front crawl - Engadget - 07/17
How tiny natural nanobots attack cancerous cells - ZDNet - 10/16
New remote-controlled microrobots for medical operations - Youtube - 07/16
3 Companies Building Nanorobot Factories - Nanalyze - 03/16
Nanobot implants could give us God-like intelligence - Daily Mail - 03/16
This Tiny Bot Glows to Diagnose Tuberculosis - MicroscopeMaster - 03/16
Jack Andraka Invented A Cancer Breakthrough. Now He's Building Nanobots. He's 18. - Huffington Post Canada - 07/15
The mind-blowing things nanobots could do - - 12/14
Molecular Robots On the Rise - NSF - 02/11
This Is What A Spider Nanobot Really Looks Like - Gizmodo - 05/10
Behold The First Nanobot Assembly Line In Action - io9 - 05/10
Nanobots Flip Off Cancer Switch in Cells - TechNewsWorld - 03/10
Are nanobots on their way? - Eureka Alert - 04/08
Brain for nanobots? - Nanowerk - 03/08
Chemical brain controls nanobots - BBC News - 03/08
Nanobots replacing neurons video - Youtube - 04/07
Here Come The Nanobots - Space Daily - 01/02
Nanobot Sites
How Nanorobots Will Work - How Stuff Works
Nanobots - Youtube
Nanobots Flowing Through a Blood Vessel - Youtube