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March 2018 Technology News

I search the internet daily for the best tech news articles and videos from around the world to list here. No paywalls or clickbait.



Autonomous Snowplows

Autonomous Snowplows


Self-driving snowploughs clear airport runways of snow in Norway.

March 28, 2018



Virtual Makeup

youcam makeup


Try on makeup using your smartphone

March 27, 2018



An ultra-realistic digital human avatar

digital human siren


Generated in real-time

March 24, 2018



Robotic Fish moves like the real thing



Robofish blends in to capture research video

March 22, 2018



New IBM Watson Assistant for your car

ibm watson assistant


A new artificial intelligence platform for automotive, hotel and other industries

March 20, 2018



3D printing homes where they are needed most

3d printed home


A non-profit organization that uses 3D printing technology to build homes quickly and inexpensively for the developing world

March 19, 2018



WFG - World's Fastest Gamer



WFG is a realistic Formula One simulation competition

March 18, 2018



Seagow - Breathe Underwater



Simple device lets you breathe underwater for up to 15 minutes

March 16, 2018



New Earbuds Block Snoring Sounds

earbuds stop snoring


Earbuds use active noise cancellation to block snoring and other sounds while you sleep

March 15, 2018



Soft Robot Gets Romantic

robotic grippers


A Valentine's Day demo of Soft Robotics Inc. robotic grippers.

March 12, 2018



Take a Ride in a Self Driving Car

waymo self driving car


Waymo has created a 360 video of a fully autonomous car on public roads.

March 11, 2018



Vaunt Smart Glasses

smart glasses


Intel's new wearables are looking to be more fashionable and less intrusive than other smart glasses.

March 10, 2018



The Tire With Photosynthesis

oxygene concept tire


New tire concept converts carbon dioxide to oxygen while you drive

March 08, 2018



CEOs Predict the Future

ceos preduct the future


Successful CEOs answer questions about the future in 10 years

March 07, 2018



Renault's New Concept Car

Concept Car


An all electric, shared, driverless vehicle with easy loading doors in the front

March 06, 2018



World's Biggest Plane



Stratolaunch takes its first taxi test

March 04, 2018



Sensor Can See Through Walls

rf camera


Could lead to smart homes without cameras everywhere

March 01, 2018






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FutureForAll.org aims to increase public awareness of rapidly advancing technologies, and to encourage students to consider careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM).