FutureForAll.org home page

Technology News

I search the internet daily for the best tech news articles and videos from around the world to list here. No paywalls or clickbait.



3D Printed Robotic Arm

3D Printed Robotic Arm


Process includes a 3D-scan at home for a custom fit

August 31



Turning Smartphones Into Robots



Open-sourced software allows a small electric vehicle to do amazing things

August 30



Make Any Surface Interactive

Proximity sensors


Proximity sensors can change the way we interact with our homes

August 29



Palm-sized Robot Dog

Robot Dog


Inexpensive DIY pet quadruped robot

August 28



Ocean Worlds

Ocean Worlds


Here’s what you need to know about Ocean Worlds

August 27



Virtual Biking

Virtual Biking


Ride your bike in virtual reality

August 26



Smart Desk

Smart Desk


Features include an air quality sensor and aromatherapy diffuser.

August 25



Laser Engraver

Laser Engraver


Engrave your design on almost any object

August 24



NASA's Guide to Near-light-speed Travel

giant powered exoskeleton


Safety considerations, travel times, and distances between some popular destinations around the universe

August 23



Alpha Mech Pilot Program

giant powered exoskeleton


Learn to operate this giant powered exoskeleton

August 22



Smart Tractor System

Smart Tractor System


Solving major problems for small farmers

August 21



AI Pet Robot

AI Pet Robot


This Tribble-like AI pet robot can get emotional

August 20



Holographic Workout Partner

Holographic Workout Partner


Mixed reality glasses provide a running partner anywhere

August 19



Smart Nightstand

Smart Nightstand


Features a cooler, wireless charger, and a touch screen

August 18



Meet the Experts: Robots in space

Robots in space


Robots will gather data to prepare humans for deep space

August 17



Wearable 3D Mapping Device

Wearable 3D Mapping Device


Uses LIDAR to capture the physical environment in 360°

August 16



Electric Hypercar

Electric Hypercar


1000 mile range between hydrogen refills

August 15



Crawling Phone Case

Crawling phone case robot


This case can crawl to its wireless charger

August 14



Cardboard Telepresence Robot

Cardboard Telepresence Robot


Allows video callers to move around your in space

August 13



Electronic Ink

Electronic Ink


Bendable, paper thin display technology

August 12



Social Family Robot

Social Family Robot


A rolling personal home assistant

August 11



AI Artist

AI Robot Artist


Neural network that learns to paint

August 10



Virgin Galactic's Spaceship Cabin design

Spaceship Cabin design


Take a luxury ride to space

August 9



3D Printed House

3D Printed Tiny House


Built in 24 hours

August 8



Robomaster EP Core

Robomaster EP Core


New educational AI robotic platform

August 7



Bionic Mobile Assistant

Bionic Mobile Assistant


Moves autonomously and can grasp objects

August 6



Vision to Reality

prototype from Mercedes Benz


Futuristic drivable prototype from Mercedes Benz

August 5



Smart Blinds

Smart Blinds


Shades that adapt to the position of the sun

August 4



Programmable Home Robot

Programmable Home Robot


Learns to autonomously perform new tasks

August 3



The Future of Urban Air Mobility



A single seat tilt-wing eVTOL

August 2



Robot Avatar

Robot Avatar


A virtual presence social experiment

August 1






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FutureForAll.org aims to increase public awareness of rapidly advancing technologies, and to encourage students to consider careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM).