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AI Vision Mower

April 10, 2024



The Tron 360° is an AI vision robotic mower that cuts and mulches the grass clippings automatically. The 6-camera and TOF sensor system along with the AI vision in this robot mower provide smart obstacle avoidance with no wires or signal issues. Tron features a rear-wheel drive with larger front wheels that are angled at 30 degrees to allow for easier and full omnidirectional movement. It can climb a 65% slope. The large-capacity swappable battery ensures a 3-hour runtime with a 120-minute charging time. The Tron mowing robot autonomously returns to its base to recharge. You can control the Tron 360° robot mower through the app and see a live or recorded view. Other features include waterproof design, rain detection, anti-theft system, and OTA updates.


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