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August 2023 Skywatching Tips

August 3, 2023



August is a great month for stargazing, with a variety of planets and celestial events to enjoy. On August 27, Saturn will be at opposition, which means it will be on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. This is the best time of year to see Saturn, as it will be at its brightest and largest.

August is the annual time for the the Perseids meteor shower. This year should be a good show, as the peak night – August 12th and into the 13th – is near the new moon. The meteors are bits of dust – most no larger than sand grains – that originate from comet Swift-Tuttle. Earth sweeps through the comet's debris trail every year about this same time, resulting in the annual shower. The radiant – the point in the sky where the meteors appear to originate – is toward the northeast, appearing in-between the upside down 'W' of constellation Cassiopeia and bright star Capella. Observing the Perseids is easy – just find yourself a safe, dark spot to lie down with your feet pointing roughly toward the northeast, and look straight up. The best time to view them is between midnight and dawn, as the radiant rises higher in the sky. Meteor activity likely will be at its greatest in the hour preceding dawn.

August begins and ends with a full moon, making for a special occurrence that only happens every couple of years. You see, a second full moon in a single calendar month is commonly called a blue moon. They happen every 2 to 3 years because the Moon's monthly cycle is just a bit shorter than the average length of a month. So eventually a full moon will happen at the beginning of a month, with enough days left for a complete lunar cycle. When that happens, we get a blue moon.

If you're looking for a way to enjoy the beauty of the night sky, August is a great month to do it. With so many planets and celestial events to see, you're sure to find something to amaze you.

Learn more at NASA.


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