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February 2025 Skywatching Tips

February 2, 2025



February 2025 promises to be an exciting month for skywatchers. With a variety of celestial events and planetary alignments, there's plenty to look forward to. One of the highlights will be Venus shining at its brightest for the year, reaching a magnitude of -4.8. After sunset, look to the western sky to see Venus as a brilliant white light, casting shadows on Earth. This is a perfect time to observe Venus through binoculars or a small telescope, where you'll see it as a slim crescent.

Throughout February, you'll be able to see a striking gathering of the five brightest planets—Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Saturn—along with Uranus and Neptune. On February 24, Mercury and Saturn will appear especially close together. This planetary alignment is a rare treat, so make sure to step outside at dusk to catch the view.

The Moon will also have some interesting interactions with the planets. On February 1, the crescent Moon will be near Venus in the west after sunset. On February 5, the Moon will be near the Pleiades star cluster. On February 6, the Moon will form a line with Jupiter and the reddish star Aldebaran. On February 9, the nearly full Moon will be near Mars. The full Moon, known as the Snow Moon, will occur on February 12. February 16 marks the time when Venus will be at its brightest. Finally, on February 24, Mercury and Saturn will be close together in the evening twilight.

In addition to these planetary events, you can also enjoy the winter constellations of Orion, Taurus, and Gemini, which will be high overhead in the evening. These constellations are home to many bright stars and star clusters, making them a beautiful sight to behold. Happy stargazing! Learn more about February 2025 Skywatching Tips from NASA.


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