Jumperless Breadboard
March 8, 2025
The Jumperless V5 is a groundbreaking innovation in the world of electronics prototyping. Developed by Architeuthis Flux, this next-generation jumperless breadboard is designed to simplify and enhance the prototyping process. The Jumperless V5 allows users to connect any point on the breadboard to any other point using software-defined jumpers. This eliminates the need for physical jumpers, making the prototyping process more efficient and less cluttered.
This Integrated Development Environment (IDE) breadboard comes with an analog-by-nature RP2350B-based development board, a drawer full of wires, and a workbench full of test equipment, including a power supply, a multimeter, an oscilloscope, a function generator, and a logic analyzer. RGB LEDs under each hole turn the breadboard itself into a display that provides real-time information about the circuit. This feature makes it intuitive and easy to understand what's happening in the circuit at any given moment.
The Jumperless V5 features four independently adjustable ±8 V, 300 mA power supplies. These power supplies can be routed anywhere on the breadboard or the Arduino Nano header, providing flexibility and control over the power distribution in the circuit. The breadboard includes an onboard Python interpreter and an app library, allowing users to store, run, and share apps that can control various aspects of the breadboard. The breadboard is equipped with overcurrent and overvoltage protection. Its innovative features and enhancements make the Jumperless V5 a valuable tool for anyone looking to streamline their prototyping process.
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