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June 2024 Skywatching Tips

June 1, 2024



June is a great month for stargazing, with warmer nights and plenty of celestial events to observe. Here are some tips and highlights for moon, planet, and star watching this month. In June 2024, the moon will go through its usual phases: New Moon: June 6, First Quarter: June 14, Full Moon: June 21 (Solstice Strawberry Moon), Third Quarter: June 28. The days around the First Quarter (June 13) are ideal for observing the moon. The terminator (the line between night and day) highlights the craters and mountains beautifully.

The Summer Triangle is an asterism is formed by the bright stars Vega, Deneb, and Altair. Look high in the eastern sky in the evening. Mars will be visible in the early morning sky on June 2nd just before sunrise. It will appear as a reddish point of light just under the crescent Moon. At the same time on June 3rd, Mars is positioned above the Moon in the night sky. Around the 24th, look for Jupiter rising in the east around midnight. Its moons can be seen with binoculars. On June 27th the Moon and Saturn will be close together starting around midnight.

Learn more at: June 2024 Skywatching Tips From NASA


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