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Near Earth Asteroids

June 30, 2024



Near-Earth asteroids (NEA), are a specific group of asteroids whose orbits bring them close to Earth. To be classified as an NEA, an asteroid must come within 1.3 astronomical units (AU) of the Earth. One AU is the average distance from the Earth to the Sun, about 94 million miles (150 million kilometers).

NEAs are significant for several reasons:

  1. Potential Hazards: While space is vast, the possibility of an NEA colliding with Earth is a genuine concern. Understanding these asteroids' paths helps scientists predict potential impacts and develop strategies to mitigate any threats.

  2. Scientific Research: NEAs offer a unique opportunity to study the early solar system. Since these asteroids have remained relatively unchanged over billions of years, they provide clues about the conditions and materials present when the solar system formed.

  3. Resource Potential: Some NEAs contain valuable materials, such as metals and water. Mining these asteroids could become a reality in the future, providing resources for space exploration and even supporting life in space

Astronomers use powerful telescopes and radar to track NEAs and determine their orbits. These observations help refine predictions about an asteroid's path and its potential for future Earth encounters.

Near-Earth asteroids are more than just space rocks. They are windows into the past, potential hazards, and future resources. As we continue to explore and understand these objects, we not only safeguard our planet but also unlock new opportunities for space exploration and discovery.


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