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Plant Based Air Purifier

November 15, 2023



The Briiv Pro is an AI powered, plant based air purifier that is 6900% more effective than house plants at cleaning the air. This small air purifier uses three stages of filters, 2 natural micro-structures of moss and coconut and a HEPA-like filter that is more environmental friendly than a standard HEPA filter. The Briiv Pro has two modes that separate this air purifier from many others. Canary Mode uses built-in sensors to detect poor air quality and activate the device only when it is needed. Zone mode allows the Briiv Pro to automatically connect to other Briiv Pro devices and signal them to start cleaning the air if needed. You can use the Briiv app to set schedules, check filter health, and control the Briiv Pro remotely. Briiv has a diffuser for essential oils to inject pleasant fragrance into the room if desired. The HEPA-like filter should be changed after 3 months and the natural filters after one year.


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