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ROS Hexapod Robot Kit

February 22, 2024



The Hiwonder JetHexa ROS Hexapod Robot Kit is an advanced robotics platform powered by the NVIDIA Jetson Nano and equipped with cutting-edge sensors. With its powerful hardware, advanced sensors, and open-source platform, it empowers users of all levels to learn, experiment, and create. Learn the fundamentals of robot building and programming while exploring advanced concepts like AI and SLAM. Whether you're a seasoned roboticist or just starting your journey, the JetHexa offers a unique and exciting opportunity to explore the potential of this ever-evolving field.

At the heart of the JetHexa lies the Jetson Nano, a powerful single-board computer known for its AI capabilities. This brain, coupled with the Robot Operating System (ROS), provides a robust foundation for development. Whether you're programming complex movements or implementing AI algorithms, the JetHexa offers the necessary computational muscle.

The JetHexa's eyes are its 3D depth camera and Lidar sensor. This powerful combination allows the robot to perceive its surroundings in intricate detail. The depth camera captures precise depth information, while the Lidar paints a 360-degree picture of the environment. This sensory fusion enables features like: SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), obstacle avoidance, 3D path planning, and more.

The JetHexa isn't limited to basic walking. Its 18 high-torque servos and advanced inverse kinematics algorithms allow for a variety of gaits and movements such as: Tripod Gait long-distance travel, Ripple Gait for swift navigation in open spaces, and even 'Moonwalking'.


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