Invisibility Cloak

Invisibility cloaks might conjure images of disappearing acts, but the science behind them focuses on bending, not erasing, light. Metamaterials are special materials that are engineered with structures that possess unique properties. Some metamaterials can bend light around an object, effectively creating a cloaking effect.
Beyond metamaterials, there are other approaches being explored in the quest for invisibility cloaks, each with its own unique challenges and limitations.
Active Camouflage: Like a chameleon adapting its skin tone to blend into its surroundings, active camouflage takes a similar approach, using projectors or screens to display real-time images of the background onto the cloak, making the wearer practically invisible against that specific backdrop. However, movement can disrupt the illusion, and this method typically only works well in controlled environments.
Scattering Manipulation: This approach aims to bend or scatter light around the object in a way that makes it appear transparent. One promising technique involves using specially designed nanostructures to achieve this effect. While progress is encouraging, controlling the scattering across all angles and wavelengths remains a challenge.
How will this technology be used?
Many practical uses exist for materials that can precisely control the paths of light, sound and harmful radiation. There are just as many sinister applications that come to mind for a cloaking device.
The Invisibility Cloak is another impossible product made possible by rapidly advancing technologies and a better understanding of our universe. It would benefit the public to readily address the social impact of invisibility before it materializes in real applications.
Invisibility Cloak Articles, Videos, and Web Sites
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Next-Gen Invisibility Shields Are Here And Stealthier Than Ever from IFL Science
Invisibility Isn’t Science Fiction; It’s Interesting Engineering from Mind Matters
Physicist demonstrates invisibility technology in Shanghai from China Daily
Real-life invisibility cloaks are already here. But how do they work? from ZME Science
A new technique to detect invisibility cloaks from
The world’s first Thermal Camouflage Jacket brings us one step closer to building an invisibility cloak. from Vollebak
Here's How A Real Life Invisibility Cloak Actually Works from SlashGear
Two types of nanotechnology, metalenses and metamaterials, could soon make Harry Potter's invisibility cloak a reality. from Big Think
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How to Make a Better Invisibility Cloak—With Lasers from IEEE Spectrum
- posted Invisibility Cloaks can be Realized Using Standard Optical Components
How to thermally cloak an object from EurekAlert
Scientists May Have Found the Secret to Invisibility from Freethink
Active Camouflage Material Shows Promise At Hiding From Infrared Or Visual Detection from Hackaday
Coming soon: the invisible man -
‘The Invisible Man’ Isn’t Real, but This Invisibility Technology Is -
Engineered Metamaterials Make Invisibility Cloaks and More -
Hyperstealth Invisibility Cloak - Youtube
We're One Step Closer to Invisibility Cloaks Being Real - Popular Mechanics
Is It Possible to Make an Invisibility Cloak? - The Costa Rica News
A direct current (DC) remote cloak to hide arbitrary objects -
Waving the (spectral) wand of invisibility - The Sydney Morning Herald
Scientists’ new approach to invisibility is more HG Wells than Harry Potter - The Next Web
Fractal Metamaterial Invisibility Cloak Patented - Electronics360
Researchers assemble gold, DNA into structures that manipulate light - Northwestern University
Israeli Researchers Successfully Hide Optical Chip Under Cloak Of Invisibility - Photonics Online - 11/17
The Transparent Man: Quirkology Investigates - Youtube (2:58) - 12/16
What Would It Take To Make A True Invisibility Cloak? - Youtube (4:18) - 11/16
Invisibility Cloak With Photonic Crystals - Michigan Technological University - 08/16
Harry Potter's invisibility cloak just took a big step towards becoming real - PC World - 07/16
Scifi eye: picturing a future of human invisibility - The Engineer - 04/16
Meta-skin could lead to invisibility cloak - New Atlas - 03/16
Beyond invisibility—engineering light with metamaterials - - 02/16
Optical metacage blocks light from entering or escaping - - 12/15
Researchers build optical invisibility cloak for a diffusive medium - Phys.Org - 06/14
Invisibility cloaks actually make objects easier to see - New Atlas - 11/13
Two research groups create active invisibility cloaks - Phys.Org - 11/13
Invisibility cloak works in visible light - Phys.Org - 01/11
New findings promising for 'transformation optics,' cloaking - Purdue University - 08/10
Now You See It, Now You Don't — an Invisibility Cloak Made of Glass - Michigan Tech News - 07/10
Scientists create artificial mini 'black hole' - Phys.Org - 06/10
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2-D Invisibility Cloak For Visible Light Created - Science Daily - 12/07
Wormholes on Earth? - Phys.Org - 11/07
Here's how to make an invisibility cloak - MSNBC - 05/06
Invisibility Cloak Web Sites
How Invisibility Cloaks Work - How Stuff Works
Invisibility science video - Sciencentral
Cloaking objects at a distance - physics arXiv
Optical Camouflage video - YouTube