Women in Science

Statistics show that women are under-represented in science compared to their numbers in the overall working population. A number of organizations have been set up to combat the stereotyping and disadvantages that may discourage girls from going into careers in STEM.
Girls Inc. inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold, through direct service and advocacy.
Science Club for Girls provides girls-specific programming by connecting girls in K-12 grades, especially those from underrepresented groups, with female mentor-scientists through free science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs in a fun, nurturing, interactive environment.
The Association for Women in Science creates solutions that advance women in STEM.
The National Women’s History Museum
AnitaB.org has a full roster of programs help women grow, learn, and develop their highest potential.
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Girl Up is a global leadership development initiative, positioning girls to be leaders in the movement for gender equality.
Science Sam is a PhD candidate who is passionate about science and sharing it with the world.
Girls Who Code was founded with a single mission: to close the gender gap in technology.
The American Association of University Women promotes equity and education for women and girls.
For Women in Science to support and recognize accomplished women researchers, to encourage more young women to enter the profession and to assist them once their careers are in progress.
NASA Women of STEM serve as role models to young women in their pursuit of careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
TechWomen empowers, connects and supports the next generation of women leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) from Africa, Central and South Asia, and the Middle East.
AWARE - Association of Women for Action and Research (Singapore)
Women's Forum - For the Economy and Society
UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Made with Code - Inspiring teen girls to code
International Women in Engineering Day
Science Accelerating Girls' Engagement (SAGE)
Nature Awards Inspiring Women in Science
For women in the UK, The WISE Campaign (Women Into Science and Engineering) encourages women and girls to value and pursue science, technology, engineering and maths-related courses in school or college and move on into related careers and progress. Advance HE’s Athena SWAN Charter is commited to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment in higher education and research. The Sci Sisters network connects women scientists in Scotland.
Image from Mossadegh-keller and Mailfert, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Women in Science Articles and Web Sites
I search the internet daily for new articles from around the world that interest me or I think will interest you. My hope is that it saves you time or helps students with their assignments. Listed by most recent first. Hit NEXT button for more articles
Women in Science: Climate and Wildfire Researcher Caroline Juang from Columbia University
Nonprofit includes scientists, moms who study climate change from University of Michigan
2 Minutes with Prof Dr Iris Dillmann on Women in Science video
Celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science video
Find out more about some of the brilliant women working at sea video
Stem Women website
Ten Years of International Women and Girls in Science from PLOS
Celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2025 from EU
International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2025 from CERN
Meet five women in science with Clemson ties who are making a difference from Clemson News
Too many men or too few women?—new study finds how the gender gap is framed affects perceptions of it from EurekAlert
Scientist Spotlights: HHMI Investigator Bonnie Bassler video
High schooler didn't see enough girls studying AI, so she built her own company from ABC News
Joy: the story of IVF shows how women’s health and scientific contributions haven’t been taken seriously from The Conversation
20-ish Questions with Natalie Artzi Wyss Institute video
2024 For Women in Science Awardees, Championing the Future of Scientific Discovery from L'Oréal USA
Supporting women in ocean sciences from NSF
Pioneering Change: Women Agricultural Leaders Through the Years from NC State University
Kgalaletso Othibeng wins L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science Award for her work in Biochemistry from UJ
‘Changing our world’: Conversations with women in data science from Yale News
On gender: misperceptions about others can stifle women’s empowerment from UCSB
Study reveals gender gap in ecology research from Phys.org
Empowering women – a key to both sustainable energy and gender justice from EurekAlert
Connecting Girls in Brazil to inspiring female researchers video
Spinouts bring women in engineering together — here’s why from Nature
Girls in STEM: What 3 Professors Are Doing to Empower the Next Generation from University of Denver
Meet NASA Women Behind World’s Largest Flying Laboratory from NASA
Argonne hosts 2024 Science Careers in Search of Women event from Argonne National Laboratory
Women in Water Power: Rocio Uria Martinez ORNL video
Measuring Bias: Kate Zernike Shares How Exceptional Women Are Not the Exception from Carnegie Mellon University
Women of color still lag behind in STEM jobs, despite efforts to change from NPR
Women Who Code Influential women's tech network shuts down unexpectedly from BBC News
Great Women In Science: Emmy Noether, Greatest Female Mathematician from ACSH
Representation of women in STEM creates community and presents role models from University Daily Kansan
How a woman in science is using her background to inspire girls to get into STEM from NPR
The underrated phenomenon that is women in STEM from The Medium
Astrobiologist Amy Williams shows young women in STEM that the sky is the limit from University of Florida
The two women behind a world-changing scientific discovery from Aeon Videos
USC geneticist Marlena Fejzo named one of Time magazine’s 2024 ‘Women of the Year’ from University of Southern California
11 trailblazers on International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024 from New Atlas
Women and girls in STEM: ‘Different perspectives are always good’ from University of Saskachewan
Women in STEM: The stories of five women scientists from Clemson University
New study explores gender gaps in career paths from Phys.org
Where are all the ‘godmothers’ of AI? Women’s voices are not being heard from The Guardian
The cutting-edge work of Native American aerospace engineer Mary Golda Ross from PBS
Inspiring the next generation of women in STEM from Varsity
A celebration of women scientists -- and why we need more of them from TED Talks
Women In STEM: Why So Few? from Flip Science
Melinda Gates wants more women in the AI race from CNN Business
Women in science gather important data in the Mojave Desert from Bureau of Land Management
The Women Who Logged 18 Months in the Arctic from Sierra
The British physicist making women scientists visible online from Phys.org
For Eva Nangalo, saving mothers and babies is a calling from GatesNotes
The women who left their jobs to code from BBC News
Unconscious biases continue to hold back women in medicine, but research shows how to fight them and get closer to true equity and inclusion from The Conversation
Women’s History Month: Science is for Everyone from U.S. Department of Commerce
These are the world's top universities led by women from World Economic Forum
The retention problem: Women are going into tech but are also being driven out from The Conversation
International Day of Women and Girls in STEM from a Latin American perspective from PLOS
Women Leaders in STEM Explore the U.S. through the IVLP from Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Women’s participation is crucial to fight climate change from The University of Melbourne
STEM Women Global Network from Australian Academy of Science
She noticed many women in STEM were overlooked. So she's written more than 1,700 Wikipedia pages about diverse pioneers. from CBS News
These 6 Women in STEM Are On a Mission to Change the World from Johnson and Johnson
A growing number of women are entering the manufacturing industry from NPR
Celebration of women in science and tech ending from BBC News
The Female Future has arrived from The University of Sydney
Women face 5 biases in STEM. Here’s how to bridge the gender gap. from Big Think
Tim Cook: 'No good excuse' for lack of women in tech from BBC News
Why girls lucky enough to have female teachers lead richer, longer lives from The Guardian
‘The Sky is for Everyone’: Yale women astronomers share their stories from Yale News
The Many Versions of a Female Scientist from UC Santa Barbara
Women in science: 15-year-old's quest to change the world from ABC Australia
Celebrating Women and Girls in Science CERN video
International Day of Women and Girls in Science: Tips for getting into science video
Women in Science ETH Zurich video
Women and Girls in Science: Changing what a scientist looks like Cambridge University video
Mother Earth: A Spotlight on Women in Energy from Energy.gov
Photo Essay: Women in STEM from The Michigan Daily
Meet 5 women documenting the effects of climate change around the world from NPR
Inspiring girls to believe in themselves from Gates Notes
Women’s History Month: Celebrating women in science from The Boar
The Women Who Inspire Us from UC San Diego
Women in science should be the norm, not the exception from Al Jazeera
Women’s History Month: 5 groundbreaking researchers who mapped the ocean floor, tested atomic theories, vanquished malaria and more from The Conversation
Women Making History Series Kicks Off with Isabel Escobar on ‘Behind the Blue’ from the University of Kentucky
United Nations International Day of Women and Girls in Science
How These Four Women Have Made Their Mark in STEM from Bazaar
World Economic Forum posted Why women’s participation is essential to achieve global climate targets
How I’m training to become Australia’s first woman astronaut from TNW
Using science to leave a positive change in the world for the women to come from Yiba
ZDNet posted Bridging the gender divide: Guide to overcoming broadband access to be a woman leader in STEM
5 ways to get more women working in AI from World Economic Forum
University of Miami posted Computer scientist is a pioneer for women in technology
Lost Women of Science promotes the remarkable stories of the forgotten women of science
Meet Enrica Soria, Engineer and PhD student at the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems at EPFL video
The Conversation posted We must include more women in physics — it would help the whole of humanity
Hamburg News posted Female AI - four questions for women in AI
AAMC posted Career moves: Ways to bridge the gender gap in medical science
Scientists understood physics of climate change in the 1800s – thanks to a woman named Eunice Foote from The Conversation
The gender gap in science and technology, in numbers from World Economic Forum
Self-Driven Women: The Power of Mentorship Waymo video
Wally Funk will fly to space on New Shepard’s first human flight Blue Origin video
LBNL posted Women of Quantum Computing Go Tiny in Big Ways
Dyson engineering heroes. International Women in Engineering Day 2021 video
Panel Discussion: Ethics and Bias in Artificial Intelligence Women Who Code video
Wanted: British women from all backgrounds who want to go to space from The Guardian
Of course it's for girls! ETH Zurich video
The truth about women in STEM from The Daily Campus
Isatou Ceesay and the Women Turning Waste to Wealth from Climate Change Heroes
To Mars and back: Meet the women helping NASA Langley break barriers in science from WTKR
The Brown Daily Herald posted Female professors in STEM reflect on experiences in their fields
E.Z. Science: Women in Astronomy NASA video
Daniela Fernandez is helping her generation protect the ocean from Yale Climate Connections
20 women who blazed a trail in STEM this year from Women's Agenda
Women in Robotics Update: Robin Murphy, Ayanna Howard from Robohub
Deborah Jin engineered new quantum states of matter — twice from Massive Science
How Women Are Using Internet of Things For Breakthrough Tech Solutions article on shethepeople
Mashable lists 11 inspiring children’s books to teach kids about gender equality
Million Girls Moonshot has a mission to break down barriers that have kept girls and youth of color out of STEM.
Innovation and Tech Today lists 5 Inspiring Career Women In Technology
Empowering Women In STEM At Stanford - diversityinsteam.com
The TV host inspiring a new generation of women in STEM - smh.com.au
The tech field failed a 25-year challenge to achieve gender equality by 2020 - theconversation.com
AP Physics 1 Review with Physics Girl - Youtube
There’s never been a better time to hire women in tech - sifted.eu
Resources for women in STEM (Australia) - stemwomen.org.au
Picture a Scientist brings the struggles of women in science to screen - eurekalert.org
What will it take to close the gender gap in physics? - colorado.edu
The Future of AI is Female - cmu.edu
Inspiring Women in Technology - frontiersin.org
Valiant Women of ORNL - Youtube
6 Things That Can Help Propel Girls in STEM - ieee.org
How an idea to introduce STEM to her daughter led this ad professional to start The Pretty Geeky - yourstory.com
Fly Like A Girl: Inspirational documentary urges girls to soar - runwaygirlnetwork.com
Closing the digital gender divide - studyinternational.com
Sex and gender in science: Why they matter - phys.org
Getting young girls interested in STEM at school isn’t rocket science. Guest Opinion - tri-cityherald.com
Stemming from a young age: Girls need role models in STEM fields - badgerherald.com
5 ways to close the gender gap for women in STEM - nbcnews.com
How to Design Events to Inspire Girls About STEM Careers - pcmag.com
Women in science: Smashing glass ceilings and glass walls - BBC
Debunking Three Myths About Women in Tech - Entrepreneur
A Woman's Place is in Space: Meet Eight Asian American Women Reaching for the Stars - KCET
5 Women Who Changed the History of Technology - Techopedia
We cheer on women in the sciences, but recruiting and retaining them is still a different story - CNN
U.S. Mathematician Becomes First Woman To Win Abel Prize, 'Math's Nobel' - NPR
Women in tech: Success still hangs on relationships and privilege - Engadget
Women of We - Youtube
Closing the gender gap in the tech industry - CBS 60 Minutes
Women in health, science and innovation are collaborating globally - The Conversation
Nasa/JPL's Moogega Stricker on the Mars 2020 mission and girls in stem - SyFy
Cultivating social capital: A practical guide for women in STEM - SWE
'1 Million Women' initiative aims for small changes that add up - Yale Climate Connections
Empowering Women – Sharing Stories of Women in Science - The Update
How Technology Is Helping Close the Gender Gap and Empower Women - Singularity Hub
GeoGirls Rock! USGS women encourage and support the next generation of scientists - USGS
Challenges And Successes Of Women In STEM: A Student Perspective (Audio) - KSMU Radio
How we can turn the tide for women in science - The Conversation
‘Walking into a headwind’ – what it feels like for women building science careers - The Conversation
Melinda Gates wants tech philanthropy to focus more on gender gap - CNET
This is what it’s like to be a woman changing the future of the car industry - Marie Claire
Women In STEM Did A Study On How To Eliminate Gender Bias and Their Ideas Are Genius - Bustle
Seven steps to success and what’s holding women back - UNSW Sydney
The future of being a woman in technology - Information Age
Don’t blame women for leaving fields like engineering. Blame bad attitudes - The Conversation
How Technology Is Helping Close the Gender Gap and Empower Women - Singularity Hub
This Physicist Wants Female Scientists To Get Noticed. So She Wrote 270 Wikipedia Profiles - HuffPost
How to solve the diversity problem in physics - Silicon Republic
Yes, Being a Woman in Science Is Hard. That’s Why We’re Trying to Change It. - Slate
5 Inspirational Women in Science You Should Know - Her Campus
Scientists create stretchable battery made entirely out of fabric - Binghamton University - 12/17
Women must act now, or male-designed robots will take over our lives - The Guardian
The Bright Future Of Women In STEM - Gizmodo
A personal journey sheds light on why there are so few black women in science - The Conversation
Parents in STEM fields boost girls' participation in science degrees - Phys.org
Why does America still have so few female doctors? - The Guardian
Study Examines Hiring, Retention of Women and Underrepresented Minorities in STEM Faculty - NC State University
Confronting a stubborn system: The STEM pipeline for women engineers - Daily Trojan
How I Defied Expectations to Become a Female Scientist - Sixth Tone
Mae Jemison, first woman of color in space, talks STEM gaps and science fiction - Seattle Times