Future of Space Exploration
Future space exploration could have a profound effect on society (even more than it already has). A better understanding of our place in the universe could change long standing beliefs. Space mining could help replenish Earth's resources or provide new minerals. Colonization of other worlds might even save society itself.
The Pros and Cons of Space Exploration
Drives innovation of smaller computers, digital equipment, new forms of fuels, artificial intelligence, and manufacturing.
Gaining knowledge of the universe, discovering new resources.
Zero gravity experiments.
Monitoring the sun, earth, and weather patterns for changes that could affect the planet.
Averting catastrophe from a comet or asteroid
Finding a habitable world.
Finding alien life.
Creates jobs.
It's an adventure.
Countries cooperate on missions.
High risk for the health and safety of astronauts.
The cost is enormous.
Difficult to service if something goes wrong.
Creates space junk.
Countries could compete for space resources.
Possibility of bringing dangerous organisms back to Earth, or infecting other worlds with our germs.
ISS sighting times and locations
Image from ESA/A. Baker, CC BY-SA IGO 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO, via Wikimedia Commons
Search for ET
Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence research projects have scanned the sky for over 40 years looking for an intelligent signal. Could our level of intelligence be unique in the universe?
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Future Space Exploration Articles and Web Sites
I search the internet daily for new articles from around the world that interest me or I think will interest you. My hope is that it saves you time or helps students with their assignments. Listed by most recent first. Hit NEXT button for more articles
Scientists Reveal a New Way to Study Near-Earth Asteroids from Universe Today
NASA, SpaceX Illustrate Key Moments of Artemis Lunar Lander Mission from NASA
China Tests a Reusable Inflatable Module in Space from Universe Today
Gaze at New Pictures of the Sun from Solar Orbiter from Universe Today
Astronauts Could Take an Asteroid Ferry from Earth to Mars from Universe Today
Dusty Snow on Mars Could Harbor Life According to a New NASA Simulation from Singularity Hub
NASA Announces a New Class of Space Missions: Probe Explorers from Universe Today
Nuclear Detonations Could Deflect Dangerous Asteroids Away from Earth from Universe Today
'Human race needs to expand beyond Earth,' says Prof Brian Cox from BBC
And the Winner is…. Astronomy Photographers of the Year 2024 Announced from Universe Today
First metal part 3D-printed in space paves way for deeper cosmic missions from TNW
What is space made of? from The Conversation
Reservoir of liquid water found deep in Martian rocks from BBC
Hybrid system would create new ‘backbone’ for internet in space from Cornell University
What could a future sovereign Mars economy look like? from Universe Today
Propulsive Descent Technologies (PDT) from NASA
This Ultra-Thin Lightsail Could Tow Tiny Spacecraft to the Nearest Stars from Singularity Hub
The In-The-Sky.org Planetarium website
Real-life ‘stillsuit’: Dune-inspired upgrade for spacesuits allow astronauts to recycle urine into water from EurekAlert
NASA Advances Research to Grow Habitats in Space from Fungi from NASA
Webb telescope reveals star clusters in Cosmic Gems arc from Arizona State University
What will we eat on the Moon? The food is literally out of this world from BBC
Why do we need to explore space? from Airbus
This startup established a Bluetooth connection from space. Here's what that means from ZDNet
New Evidence for Our Solar System’s Ghost: Planet Nine from Universe Today
Will We Know if TRAPPIST-1e has Life? from Universe Today
NASA has greenlit plans to send a giant drone to Saturn’s largest moon from The Verge
Opening the Moon for All with NASA’s Lunar Terrain Vehicle video
Overcoming the challenges of growing plants in space from Cosmos Magazine
Examining Lunar Soil for Moon-Based Construction from Northwestern University
Watch a Real-Time Map of Starlinks Orbiting Earth from Universe Today
Astronomers Unveil Strong Magnetic Fields Spiraling at the Edge of Milky Way’s Central Black Hole from Event Horizon Telescope
Citizen Scientists Find Fifteen Active Asteroids from Universe Today
Mining helium-3 on the Moon has been talked about forever—now a company will try from Ars Technica
CUTE's groundbreaking design paves the way for future small-scale space missions from Space Daily
Here’s What a Solar Eclipse Looks Like on Mars from Gizmodo
Water Found on the Surface of an Asteroid from Universe Today
How Humans Can Adapt to Space from NeuroLogica Blog
NASA Selects Bold Proposal to Swarm Proxima Centauri with Tiny Probes from Universe Today
NASA Aims to Put Human-like Robots in Space from VOA Learning English
NASA’s Tech Demo Streams First Video From Deep Space via Laser from JPL
99% of Space Junk is Undetectable. That Could Change Soon from Universe Today
Are We Ready to Head to Mars? Not So Fast. from Singularity Hub
The skyhook solution for space junk from Aeon
16 Takeaways From the Explosive Second Test of SpaceX’s Starship Megarocket from Gizmodo
Is this the future of space travel? Take a luxury ‘cruise’ across the solar system from Aeon
The Lunar Swirl Mystery Deepens from Universe Today
Airbus Launches Device to Keep Dead Satellites from Tumbling in Space from Gizmodo
Get a Reality Check on Plans to Build Cities in Space from Universe Today
Self-Repairing Solar Panels Are Heading For Space from CleanTechnica
The virtual frontier: There is no need for humans in space from The Argonaut
Lucy Completes its First Flyby… and Discovers a Bonus Asteroid from Universe Today
Detailed Mars Water Map Shows Where to Land Future Explorers from Gizmodo
A Flock of CubeSats Will Use Wings to Maneuver at the Edge of Space from Universe Today
In-Space Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing (ISAM) from NASA
Comets 101 − everything you need to know about the snow cones of space from The Conversation
5 Things to Know About NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications from JPL
One of the Brightest Stars in the Sky is Actually a Satellite from Universe Today
Moon base: Bangor scientists design fuel to live in space from BBC
The Whirlpool Galaxy, Seen by JWST from Universe Today
Space junk in Earth orbit and on the Moon will increase with future missions − but nobody’s in charge of cleaning it up from The Conversation
Why there's a rush to explore the Moon's enigmatic South Pole from BBC News
A fusion rocket designed to travel 500,000 mph is under construction from Big Think
NASA Plans to Unleash a Wolf Pack of Rovers Onto the Lunar Surface in 2024 from NASA
NASA’s Deep Space Communications to Get a Laser Boost from JPL
Fuel and Fire: NASA’s Artemis Missions to the Moon, feat. Metallica video
NASA's complicated future on Mars from Axios
Robotic 'Light Bender' on the moon could help Artemis astronauts keep the lights on from Space.com
Check out the Cool New Designs for Europe’s Future Spacesuits from Universe Today
What will astronauts on deep space missions eat? 'Neurogastronomy' may have the answer from Space.com
SpaceX successfully launches world’s first space factory from Freethink
Would children born beyond Earth ever be able to return to humanity’s home planet? from Aeon
Artificial photosynthesis machines invented to create oxygen in space for astronauts from Earth.com
If We Can Master Artificial Photosynthesis, We Can Thrive in Space from Universe Today
Vast says it will launch its first space station in 2025 on a Falcon 9 from Ars Technica
Will we ever...hibernate in space? from BBC Future
To Live on Mars, Human Architecture Has to Combine Science and Sci-Fi from Inverse
What are Black Holes: The Journey From Theory to Reality from ZME Science
Scientists say they have found more moons with oceans in the Solar System from Ars Technica
One Day Astronauts Will Be Breathing Oxygen Made From Rocks from Universe Today
NASA Announces Winners of 2023 Human Exploration Rover Challenge from NASA
NASA Shows Mars Habitat where Four People Will Live for One Year from VOA
Study: Humans Need to Create Earth-like Conditions to Survive in Space from VOA
The Definitive Guide to SpaceX’s Starship Megarocket from Gizmodo
These Upcoming Rockets Have Us Stoked About the Future of Spaceflight from Gizmodo
New Close-up Images of Io from Juno, With More to Come from Universe Today
How many satellites can we safely fit in Earth orbit? from Space.com
Ingenious Technique Could Make Moon Farming Possible from Gizmodo
Burning ice, metal clouds, gemstone rain – tour the strangest known exoplanets from Aeon
Astronomers Prepare to Launch LuSEE Night, A Test Observatory on the Far Side of the Moon from Universe Today
Space Sail Experiment Showcases Promising Technique for Quickly Disposing Space Junk from Gizmodo
NASA Announces Successful Test of New Propulsion Technology for Treks to Deep Space from Gizmodo
Nuclear powered rockets could take us to Mars, but will the public accept them? from CBC
Instead of Building Structures on Mars, we Could Grow Them With the Help of Bacteria from Universe Today
A far-out plan to build an asteroid city from Big Think
Perseverance drops off first Mars sample for future return to Earth from Astronomy.com
Outpost to build a revolutionary 'ferry' that will transport cargo from the ISS to Earth from Interesting Engineering
We could build space cities in asteroids like in sci-fi with this wild concept from Space.com
MARM, the new three-leg robot to transport weights and manipulate components in Space video
What dangers must we overcome before we can live on Mars? from Aeon
New ultra-thin solar cells could be the future of space power from Freethink
Australia’s first rocket set to launch in 2023 from Freethink
A Mission to Venus Could Sample its Atmosphere Directly, Searching for Life from Universe Today
Play With an Interactive Map of the Observable Universe from Gizmodo
The first satellites launched by Uganda and Zimbabwe aim to improve life on the ground from Minnesota Public Radio
Will physics prevent SpinLaunch from succeeding? from Big Think
Lucy Took This Picture of Earth as it was Making its Gravity Assist Maneuver from Universe Today
This space-adapted solar panel can fold like origami from Popular Science
Shields up! Radiation coating experiment will spend six months outside space station from Space.com
Check out This Amazing Fly-through of a Futuristic Space Habitat from Universe Today
Scientists dream up a massive floating solar farm in space - here's how it would work from Euronews
Future Moon cities could look like bouncy houses from Inverse
OneWeb unveils Innovation Challenge competition from Space News
NASA successfully shifted an asteroid’s orbit – DART spacecraft crashed into and moved Dimorphos from The Conversation
The computer errors from outer space from BBC Future
Raw solar-storm footage is the punk-rock antidote to sleek James Webb imagery from Aeon
Mysterious Europa Gets an Extreme Closeup From NASA’s Juno Probe from Universe Today
China has discovered a brand new moon mineral from Freethink
A new plasma-based technology could be crucial for living on Mars from Inverse