Virtual Reality Articles and Websites (continued)
I search the internet daily for new articles from around the world that interest me or I think will interest you. My hope is that it saves you time or helps students with their assignments. Listed by most recent first, dating back to 2005.
Tips and tricks for the Samsung Gear VR - New Atlas - 12/15
The best VR content for Google Cardboard - New Atlas - 11/15
Sony's Project Morpheus headset renamed Playstation VR - New Atlas - 09/15
NASA, Microsoft Collaboration Will Allow Scientists to 'Work on Mars' - NASA - 01/15
Microsoft's HoloLens explained: How it works and why it's different - CNET - 01/15
Gear VR: For today's best virtual reality, strap a phone to your face - ArsTechnica - 01/15
The Godmother of Virtual Reality - Engadget - 01/15
Craze Over Greek Tomb Spawns Virtual Worlds Online - Live Science - 12/14
Magic Leap moves beyond older lines of VR - Tech Xplore - 10/14
The digital soul - Aeon - 11/13
When the playroom is the computer - MIT News - 11/10
Virtual reality you can reach out and touch - Phys.Org - 07/10
One virtual step for man, one real leap for mankind - Phys.Org - 04/08