FutureForAll.org home page

Technology News

I search the internet daily for the best tech news articles and videos from around the world to list here. No paywalls or clickbait.



Stuck at Home Science

stuck at home science activities


Activities that use easy to find household supplies

April 27



Hubble’s Collection of Anniversary Images

Hubble images


Hubble’s biggest science discoveries throughout its three decades

April 26



Rainforest XPrize

Rainforest XPrize


The competition will enhance understanding of the rainforest ecosystem

April 25



Button Free VR Controller

VR Controller


VR experiences controlled by finger proximity, touch, pressure and gesture

April 24



Robot Firefighters

Robot firefighters


These firefighting robots shoot foam and water

April 23



Earth Day 2020

Earth Day 2020


NASA joins the world in observing the 50th anniversary of Earth Day

April 22



Future City Transport Concept

Future City Transport Concept


Autonomous, all-electric, with multiple configurations

April 21



Ping Pong Ball vs. Tennis Ball

physics girl


A ping-pong ball is fired at several objects at 450kph

April 20



Wasp vs. Black Widow Spider

Wasp vs Black Widow Spider


This battle takes place in a local backyard

April 19



Cozy Companion Robot

Companion Robot


Creating 'skin and bones' around a robot is harder than it sounds

April 18



How Does Soap Work?

How does soap work?


From a series of short STEM videos made at home by Kate the Chemist

April 17



Brain Training Wearable

Brain training wearable


A device and app that strengthens your brain

April 16



NASA’s View of Earth, in Music

NASA’s View of Earth, in Music


Discover what NASA’s Earth data sounds like when it’s turned into music

April 15



Cody Block

RFID Coding Toy


RFID-based wooden coding toy for ages 3-9

April 14



Polestar Precept

Polestar Precept


Polestar's commitment to a sustainable vehicle

April 13



Voyager Station

Voyager Station


A large rotating space station project

April 12



Drone Delivery

Drone delivery


Wing drone delivery in Australia

April 11



Remote Push Cart for Golf

Self driving golf push cart


Follows you around the golf course automatically

April 10



Self-Brushing Toothbrush

Self-Brushing Toothbrush


Moving brush heads clean your teeth in just 20 seconds

April 9



Consciousness-Shifting Mobile App

Consciousness-Shifting Mobile App


Uses sounds and the flashlight on your smart phone to induce altered state

April 8



Intelligent Toilet

Intelligent Toilet


Personalized settings tuned to your preferences

April 7



Body Dryer

body dryer


A step-on dryer that dries your body in seconds

April 6



Morphing Concept Car

concept car


Futuristic concept morphs from smart city car to long-distance vehicle

April 5



Seed Dropping Drone

Tree Planting Drone


Open source technology that can help everyone to plant more trees

April 4



Smart Blinds

smart blinds


Control standard window blinds from Alexa and Google Home

April 3



Make a Touchless Screen

touchless screen interface device


This sensor creates a virtual touchscreen anywhere

April 2



Indoor Micro Garden

smart indoor garden


Artificial sunlight grows plants 6X faster than outside

April 1






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FutureForAll.org aims to increase public awareness of rapidly advancing technologies, and to encourage students to consider careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM).