FutureForAll.org home page

Technology News

I search the internet daily for the best tech news articles and videos from around the world to list here. No paywalls or clickbait.



Future of Aviation

future aviation


Emergency flight system can safely land a plane without a pilot

May 31



Robot Personal Trainer

Robot personal trainer


Human versus robot at the gym

May 30



New 5G XR Social Reality Platform

5G XR Social Reality Platform


Socialize, work and play together in both private and public spaces

May 29



Side Following Suitcase

Side following suitcase


Hands free travel bag keeps up with you

May 28



Smart Bowl and Mug

Smart mug


Keep food and drink at the temperature you set

May 27



New Space Race

Space Race


Private space companies are competing to return to the Moon

May 26



Future Education

Global game-making challenge


Global game-making challenge

May 25



New AR System for Work

commercial ar platform


Thinkreality augmented reality from Lenovo

May 24



Rolling AI Assistant

rolling ai assistant


Features include built-in projector, scanner and a 4K camera

May 23



New Electric Scooter

electric scooter


Ninebot KickScooter Air T15 powered by Segway

May 22




Moon habitat


A habitat for living on the Moon

May 21



Mars Rover Tests

Mars Rover Tests


Testing NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover montage

May 20



eBike of the Future



A new generation of electric bike

May 19



Curved Smart Watch

Curved Smart Watch


Curved screen smartwatch with 24/7 heart tracking

May 18



Solar Powered Water Purifier

Solar Powered Water Purifier


With portable hand washing and shower system

May 17



Robot Octopus

Roboto octopus


Octopus-inspired soft robot

May 16



AR Earth

AR Earth globe


Augmented reality enabled Earth globe

May 15



Pupper the Robot Dog

Quadruped Robot


Inexpensive and open-source quadruped robot

May 14



Industrial Drone and Camera Combo

Commercial Drone


DJI releases a powerful new drone platform

May 13



Human Spaceflight Returns to America

Human Spaceflight Returns to America


SpaceX will launch people into space for the first time

May 12



Portable Projector

Portable Projector


A 360 degree rotatable home projector and camera

May 11






An inside-out planter inspired by nature

May 10



Exoskeleton for Virtual Reality

vr exoskeleton


A wearable VR locomotion system that also provides haptic feedback

May 9



Robot Pal

moxie robot pal


Moxie provides children with weekly themes to explore human experiences

May 8



Buda Ball

buda ball


A sphere that uses your brain waves to levitate

May 7



Glow in the Dark Plants

glow in the dark plants


Plants with genetically encoded autoluminescence

May 6



Hummingbird Drone

hummingbird drone


Spies on massive Monarch butterfly swarm

May 5






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FutureForAll.org aims to increase public awareness of rapidly advancing technologies, and to encourage students to consider careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM).