Diversity in Science

Diversity in Science
The pursuit of scientific knowledge has led to countless discoveries and innovations that have transformed our society for the better. However, it's important to acknowledge that the scientific community is not immune to the same issues that plague society as a whole, including issues of diversity and inclusivity.
Diversity in science refers to the need for a more equitable representation of individuals from different backgrounds and perspectives in the scientific community. Historically, science has been dominated by white, male voices, which has led to a lack of diversity in research topics, methodologies, and perspectives. This lack of diversity can have significant consequences, including perpetuating biases and limiting scientific progress.
One of the main benefits of diversity in science is that it leads to a broader range of research questions and perspectives. When people from diverse backgrounds come together to tackle scientific problems, they bring different experiences, ideas, and approaches to the table. This can lead to more innovative solutions and a better understanding of complex problems.
Moreover, diversity in science can help to address the issue of scientific bias. Unconscious biases can affect everything from the questions we ask to the way we interpret data. When the scientific community lacks diversity, these biases can become entrenched and limit our ability to uncover new knowledge. By embracing diversity in science, we can begin to identify and address these biases and create a more inclusive and equitable scientific community.
Unfortunately, the scientific community has historically been exclusive, particularly for marginalized groups, including women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. This lack of diversity can have real-world consequences, particularly in areas like medicine and public health, where research findings have a direct impact on people's lives.
To address this issue, many scientific organizations and institutions have implemented diversity initiatives to recruit and retain underrepresented groups in science. These initiatives include targeted outreach programs, mentorship opportunities, and funding support for scientists from underrepresented groups. Additionally, some institutions have implemented blind-review processes for grant applications and publications to reduce the impact of unconscious bias in decision-making.
As we move forward, it's critical that we continue to prioritize diversity in science. We must work to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to pursue scientific careers and that all voices are heard in scientific research. This includes not only increasing the representation of underrepresented groups but also creating a more inclusive scientific culture where all individuals feel welcome and valued.
Diversity in science is critical for promoting innovation, addressing biases, and creating a more equitable scientific community. By embracing diversity and inclusivity, we can work together to advance scientific progress and ensure that science benefits everyone.
The future will be better if we all work together. If you know of a group, organization, or resource that should be added to the list below, please let us know.
Alliance for Diversity in Science and Engineering - to increase the participation of underrepresented groups
Black in AI - to increase the presence of Black people in the field of Artificial Intelligence
Black in Robotics - To bring together Black researchers, industry professionals and students in robotics to mutually support one another
Black Girls Code - empowering girls of color ages 7 to 17
Black Women in Computational Biology Network - Black womxn voices in the computational life sciences
Building Diversity in Science - to inspire, empower and support underrepresented groups students in the pursuit of STEM careers
Diversity in Computer Science - Code.org
Diversity Gaps in Computer Science - Gallup
Diversity Alliance for Science - promoting the economic growth of diverse businesses
Diversity in science - The Royal Society
The Tech Talent Charter - Commitment by organisations to deliver greater diversity in the tech workforce of the UK
Women in Science - FFA
Diversity in Science Articles and Web Sites
I search the internet daily for new articles from around the world that interest me or I think will interest you. My hope is that it saves you time or helps students with their assignments. Listed by most recent first. Hit NEXT button for more articles
Meet the Indigenous Women Restoring Kenya's Mau Forest video
Unlocking a path into computer science for young women and non-binary students from King's College London
Stereotypes matter: Computer science needs better role models from EurekAlert
Innovation in Cancer Research Drives Progress Toward Health Equity from AACR
Empowering Chicago Youth: Drones in Action at Johnson College Prep video
Why women and LGBTQ+ students face greater challenges in college science classrooms from University of Arizona
An ethical way forward for Indigenous microbiome research from Nature
Prostate cancer blood test equally effective across ethnic groups from EurekAlert
Latina Space Scientists Want To Stop Being The Exception from Science Friday
How Medical Schools Are Improving Access for Underrepresented Minorities from US News and World Report
Are we doing enough for women of colour in science? from EuroNews
This Black Artist Is Using Farming to Heal Herself — and the Land from Capital B
Opinion: Including researchers of diverse backgrounds makes science more accurate and applicable from The San Diego Union-Tribune
500 Queer Scientists: Increasing LGBTQIA+ visibility in STEM one story at a time from American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
A call to cite Black women and gender minorities from Symmetry
Why diversity, equity, and inclusion matter in science from Australian National University
AI in medicine needs to be carefully deployed to counter bias – and not entrench it from NPR
Scientists Are Finally Capturing the Genetic Diversity of Humanity from Gizmodo
9-year-old Black prodigy has already begun college – but schools often fail to recognize highly talented Black students from The Conversation
The future of Black women in STEM from Daily Sundial
IFLScience Meets: Grace, Virtual Avatar For Underrepresented Groups in STEM from IFL Science
Unlocking potential from UCI
How introductory courses deter minority students from STEM degrees from Phys.org
Obstacles still exist for women in science, but this young researcher is breaking the mould from World Economic Forum
How to Fix The Minority STEM Crisis from Washington Monthly
Space for Humanity website. 'Expanding access to space for all of humanity'.
The STEM City USA website bridges the digital gap for millions of underserved through community and education.
How your race, class and gender influence your dreams for the future from The Conversation
NASA report finds vast diversity leadership gap, suggests solutions from The University of Iowa
He dropped out of school to learn robotics. Now he's teaching STEM across Ghana from CNN
Royal Society of Chemistry report says racism pervasive from BBC News
UCLA Newsroom posted She’s a catalyst: UCLA graduate student helped build a system that nurtures Black scientists
Lack of diversity in AI development causes serious real-life harm for people of color from NPR
PEW posted What It Means to Be Black in Science: Pew Scholars’ Experiences
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Science Howard Hughes Medical Institute video
Space in Africa posted SPARC to Inspire a Generation of Young People in Kenya
SmallCapNews posted 3D Alternative Science for Kids – El Sol de Cuernavaca
Building A Shark Science Community For Women Of Color from NPR
For neuroscientists, a checklist for eliminating gender bias from UC Berkeley
Why science shouldn’t be colorblind from Baylor College of Medicine
Some medical devices don’t mean to be racist, but they are from Psyche
3 ways schools can improve STEM learning for Black students from The Conversation
How I realized that LGBT+ scientists like me can inspire others in their field from Massive Science
Sending science majors into elementary schools helps Latino and Black students realize scientists can look like them from The Conversation
Inside Higher Ed posted New data highlight minorities and women in science, along with one particularly understudied group: scientists with disabilities
BBC News ‘Not built for minorities to succeed’: black scientists on academia’s race problem
New Indigenous media lab at University of Winnipeg to help creators combine art and technology from CBC News
The Conversation posted Racial stereotypes drive students of color away from STEM, but many still persist
Space.com posted Contest Aims to Fly Openly LGBTQ+ Scientist-Astronaut in Space
Stanford University posted We See You: Why America Must Invest in Young Adults of Color
Indigeneous seed banks to help preserve culture and protect the environment from Ensia
Students need not be in West to be successful or recognised: UAE-based Astrophysicist from Khaleej Times
Racial stereotypes drive students of color away from STEM, but many still persist from the Conversation
Tufts Now posted Closing the Opportunity Gap in STEM Education
Diversity in science ‘crucial’: essay - unsw.edu.au
Celebrating Black excellence in neuro-related fields - blackinneuro.com
Black Women Shark Scientists Create Network to Encourage People of Color - ecowatch.com
Meet Pamela E. Harris, Mexican-American mathematician and educator - massivesci.com
This Grad Hopes To Pave The Way For Other Women Of Color - wbez.org
These Latinas Are Changing The World With Their Groundbreaking Inventions In Science, Technology, And Engineering - wearemitu.com
Bertha Parker, the trailblazing first Indigenous North American archaeologist, taught herself how to excavate a site - massivesci.com
An ongoing conversation on diversity in science - thevarsity.ca
Why the 2019 Nobel Prizes in STEM struggled with diversity - pbs.org
STEM’s female factor: Changing lives, boosting economies, building the future - Microsoft
Achieving Liftoff: Black Women in Star Ships - USBE Information Technology
Melinda Gates Tells David Letterman It's Important That Women and People of Color Are Designing Our Future - Hollywood Reporter
Minorities face challenges in securing STEM jobs - Charlottesville Tomorrow
UC Santa Barbara welcomes a new cohort of doctoral students from underrepresented backgrounds - University of California, Santa Barbara
8 pioneering black women in science, technology and medicine - Mother Nature Network
‘Staggering’ lack of diversity in tech leadership, report reveals - Engineering and Technology
Division of Diversity and Inclusion Summer Experience - Youtube (1:17)
10 Incredible Black Women In Stem - Black Enterprise
Here are four myths about diversity in science - Pacific Standard
The evidence is in: greater gender diversity in science benefits us all - The Conversation