DNA Computers

In recent years, researchers have been exploring the concept of using biological systems to create computers. These biological computers would rely on biological processes rather than electronic circuits to perform computations. The potential benefits of such a technology are vast, including lower power consumption, greater parallel processing capabilities, and the ability to interface more seamlessly with biological systems.
One approach to creating a biological computer involves using DNA as the computing substrate. DNA is a molecule that encodes genetic information and can be manipulated in a variety of ways. Researchers have been able to design DNA molecules that can perform simple computations, such as adding numbers together or recognizing patterns in data.
One of the advantages of using DNA as a computing substrate is that it can store a vast amount of information in a small space. DNA can store information in a four-letter code (A, C, G, and T), allowing for a greater information density than traditional binary code. Additionally, DNA can be replicated easily, making it possible to create large quantities of computing substrates quickly.
Another approach to biological computing involves using biological cells as computational elements. Researchers have been able to engineer cells to perform specific tasks, such as producing a particular protein or sensing a particular molecule. By connecting these cells together in a network, researchers can create systems that perform complex computations.
One example of a biological computing system that uses cells is the bioprocessor. This system uses bacterial cells that have been engineered to produce a fluorescent protein in response to specific inputs. By connecting these cells together in a network, researchers have been able to create systems that perform simple logic operations, such as AND and OR.
While the concept of biological computers is still in its early stages, researchers are optimistic about its potential. By leveraging the power of biological systems, researchers may be able to create computers that are faster, more energy-efficient, and more versatile than traditional electronic computers. Additionally, biological computers may be able to interface more seamlessly with biological systems, making them useful for a wide range of applications, from medical diagnostics to environmental monitoring.
However, there are also significant challenges to overcome. Biological systems are inherently complex and can be difficult to control and engineer. Additionally, the use of biological systems raises ethical and safety concerns, as biological systems can potentially interact with and alter living organisms.
Biological computers represent an exciting new frontier in computing technology. By harnessing the power of biological systems, researchers may be able to create computers that are faster, more energy-efficient, and more versatile than traditional electronic computers. While there are still significant challenges to overcome, the potential benefits of biological computers make them an area of research worth pursuing.
DNA Computer Articles and Web Sites
I search the internet daily for new articles from around the world that interest me or I think will interest you. My hope is that it saves you time or helps students with their assignments. Listed by most recent first, dating back to 2005.
How DNA could power future quantum computers from Nanowerk
Beyond Silicon: How DNA Is Powering Next-Gen Computers from SciTechDaily
Everyday Technology Underlies First DNA Computer Logic Gates from EurekAlert
A much faster way to encode DNA with usable digital data from Phys.org
Harnessing nature’s code for data storage from ASU News
DNA Computing Evolves: New System Stores Data, Plays Chess, and Solves Sudoku Puzzles from Singularity Hub
DNA computer solves sudoku and stores millions of GB for millennia from New Atlas
For first time, DNA tech offers both data storage and computing functions from EurekAlert
Searching for Data in DNA with CRISPR from University of Connecticut
The Quest for a DNA Data Drive from IEEE Spectrum
New memory card uses DNA to store your data — Biomemory's card costs $1,100 to store one kilobyte of data from Tom's Hardware
Programmable DNA Machines Offer General-Purpose Computing from IEEE Spectrum
DNA Computer Can Do Math, May Have Clinical and Diagnostic Potential from Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News
DNA chips as storage media of the future: What challenges need to be overcome from EurekAlert
Capturing the immense potential of microscopic DNA for data storage from Phys.org
DNA computing breakthrough: bio-compatible computers in sight from Innovation Origins
DNA microcapsules deliver retrievable data storage from Physics World
The future of data storage lies in DNA microcapsules from SCience Daily
Is the future of computing biological? from Ars Technica
Scientists Build the First Crucial Components of a Molecular Computer from Singularity Hub
Is DNA the future of data storage? from EurekAlert
Speeding up DNA computation with liquid droplets from Phys.org
DNA computer using glass beads increases parallel processing power from Phys.org
Computing at the Nanoscale with DNA from AZoNano
Tech Radar posted Pocket-sized DNA computers might save the world by 2030
EurekAlert posted In our genes—new DNA-based chip can be programmed to solve complex math problems
New study shows the potential of DNA-based data-structures systems from Phys.org
Genetic Literacy Project posted Our DNA can store a staggering amount of information in an almost inconceivably small volume
Singularity Hub posted Each of These Microscopic Glass Beads Stores an Image Encoded on a Strand of DNA
DNA Data Storage: The Future Explored with Tom Carroll 1 minute video
DNA Lite-Brite is a promising way to archive data for decades or longer from The Conversation
Storing video in DNA is cool, but recording a cell’s lifecycle could change biology from Massive Science
With a zap of electricity, scientists write a message into bacterial DNA for the first time from Massive Science
Translation Software Enables Efficient DNA Data Storage from the Los Alamos Reporter
Is Computing With DNA the Wave of the Future? from Mind Matters
Scientists Turn to Living Bacteria DNA for Data Storage from Interesting Engineering
DNA Storage Goes Biological from Evolution News
Singularity Hub posted New Research Could Enable Direct Data Transfer From Computers to Living Cells
Storing information and designing uncrackable codes with DNA - eurekalert.org
New Approach to DNA Data Storage Makes System More Dynamic, Scalable - ncsu.edu
Power of DNA to Store Information Gets an Upgrade - utexas.edu
DNA Is Millions of Times More Efficient Than Your Computer's Hard Drive - popularmechanics.com
Junk DNA Might Be Incredibly Useful for Biocomputing - technologynetworks.com
Power of DNA to store information gets an upgrade - phys.org
The hard drive of the future has been swimming through our veins all along - digitaltrends.com
Using a DNA-Based 'Computer,' Scientists Get the Square Root of 900 - gizmodo.com
DNA of Things: Embedding Machines with Replication Data - evolutionnews.org
Cellular Computers Get a Boost With CRISPR - singularityhub.com
Toward molecular computers: First measurement of single-molecule heat transfer - Science Daily
Using CRISPR to Build Computers Inside Human Cells - Technology Networks
With a 'hello', Microsoft and UW demonstrate first fully automated DNA data storage - Microsoft
What is DNA Computing, How Does it Work, and Why it's Such a Big Deal - Interesting Engineering
A Data Storage Revolution? DNA Can Store Near Limitless Data in Almost Zero Space - Singularity Hub
The Hottest New Computer Is: DNA - Evolution News - 03/17
DNA computer brings intelligent drugs a step closer - Eureka Alert - 02/17
Computers made of genetic material? Researchers conduct electricity using DNA-based nanowires - Phys.org - 11/16
Super-efficient computers will use DNA to store data - Digital Journal - 07/16
How MIT’s new biological computer works, and what it could do in the future - Extreme Tech - 07/16
Scientists work to store digital information in DNA - Indian Express - 07/16
World's first parallel computer based on biomolecular motors - Phys.org - 02/16
Scientists use DNA to assemble a transistor from graphene - Stanford University - 09/13
Advanced biological computer developed - Science Daily - 05/13
Turning DNA into a hard drive - Phys.Org - 06/12
DNA-based "write-once-read-many-times" (WORM) memory device - KIT - 02/12
Living computers could become reality - MailOnline - 10/11
IBM scientists create DNA computer chip - ZDNet - 08/09
DNA computation gets logical - Phys.Org - 07/09
Will Artificial DNA Be The Future Of Computers And 'green IT'? - MNT - 07/08
DNA computers to fight diseases - BBC News - 04/04
DNA on chip - Purdue News - 10/03
Time to Engineer DNA Computers - EE Times - 12/00
Biological Computer Web Sites
DNA Computing - Wikpedia
How DNA Computers Will Work - HowStuffWorks
Solving problems with DNA molecules - Encyclopædia Britannica