FutureForAll.org home page




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For Students

Students in a classroom


Student science contests, free essay help, homework help, science fair ideas and more

Student Resources



Future of Earth

A person is looking through binoculars with there mouth open in apparent disbelief. In the reflection of the binoculars you can see the planet Earth.


Global warming, future earth, future food, future water supply, vertical farming, and more

Future Earth




Two humanoid robots working in an office.


Agile robots, home robots, humanoid robots, industrial robots, robot pets, service robots, toy robots and more.

Future Robotics




A closeup of 3 clean room technicians working on a gold quantum computer.


Artificial intelligence, chatbots, DNA computers, IoT, optical computers, quantum computers, and more.

Future Computers




A person is facing the camera and pressing their index finger on a keypad on a transparent or holographic display.


3D printing, AR, drones, gadgets, mixed reality, nanotech, tech predictions, VR and more.

Future Technology




Text reads Future Society. Seven diverse hands are holding up the individual letters of the word society.


Diversity in science, future cities, future fashion, smart home, transhumanism, transportation and more.




Future Medicine

A futuristic person dressed in metallic silver has a device over their eyes like Geordi from Star Trek. They are holding up two syringes. One with red and one with blue liquid inside. They are looking to the right at the red syringe.


Artificial womb, living longer, medical imaging, medical technology, nanomedicine and more.

Future Medicine




designer babies


BMIs, cloning, designer babies, CRISPR, gene editing, GMOs, and more




Future of Energy

An array of solar panels is in the foreground and wind turbines in the background


Biofuel, fusion energy, geothermal, hydrogen fuel, hydropower, solar energy, wind power and more.

Future of Energy



Future Technology Videos

A robot is massaging a person's shoulders


AR videos, drone videos, robot videos, smart home videos and more

Tech Videos



Space Exploration

A floating ball robot on the ISS space station


Telescopes, missions, satellites, space probes and more

Space Exploration



Latest Technology News





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FutureForAll.org aims to increase public awareness of rapidly advancing technologies, and to encourage students to consider careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM).