Augmented Reality
January 20, 2017

Augmented reality (AR) is a view of the physical environment with information overlaid on it. This view can be through AR glasses, headsets, earphones, tablets, smart phones, heads-up displays and eventually, contact lenses.
Creating an augmented reality experience begins with capturing the background, typically with a camera located on a display, headset or phone.
Next, the software identifies the objects in view that have AR information attached to it. It can do this using object recognition software, GPS, RFID, bar codes, or unique patterns printed on an object.
Once it recognizes an object, it displays the text or graphics it has associated with that object. In the store, it could be the price of apples. On the road, the road sign you just missed. At home, the pop-up animation in a children's book.
Image from Microsoft Sweden via Flickr