Robotics Web Sites
I search the internet daily for new articles from around the world that interest me or I think will interest you. My hope is that it saves you time or helps students with their assignments. Listed by most recent first. Hit NEXT button for more articles
21st Century Robot - Jimmy - Intel
AMBER Lab - Bipedal Robotics at Georgia Tech
A Roadmap for US Robotics (PDF) - University of California San Diego
ARMAR-III - Robot that learns via touch (Phys.Org w/ Video)
Biomimetic Millisystems Lab - UC Berkeley
Boston Dynamics - BigDog//Rhex/Petman/RiSe/Squishbot
Case Biorobotics Lab - Case Western Reserve University
Center for Intelligent Mechatronics - Rehabilitation robotics
Claytronics Project - Modular robots
COGNIRON The Cognitive Robot Companion - Project funded by the European Commission
DOMO - Force sensing MIT robot
Dustbot - Trash Pickup Robots
HRP-3 - AIST Humanoid Robot
Humanoid Robotics Institute - Waseda University, Japan
International Federation of Robotics - connects the world of robotics around the globe
InMoov - Open source 3D printable robot
JPL Robotics - JPL
Kamibot - Robots with paper skins can teach kids to code
Kondo - Kondo Kagaku
Learn about robots - Rich's Robot Musings
LOVOTICS - Love + Robotics
NAO - Humanoid robot
Personal Robots - MIT Media Lab
Ringo the Programmable Robot - Youtube
RoboEarth - World Wide Web for robots
RoboSingularity - Robot Blog
Remotely accessible swarm robotics research platform - Georgia Tech
Robotics Alliance Project - NASA Robotics
Robots - Podcast
Robot Magazine - Robot Emagazine
Rovio - Remote surveillance robot
Shalab - Shuji Hashimoto Laboratory
Sony Robot History - Sony robot web site
Spencer - EU-funded research project
Humanoid robot explores abandoned shipwrecks - Stanford
Starship Technologies - Robotic Package Delivery
Stickybot - Wall climbing robot
Superbot - Modular robot
Talking robot - Takanishi Lab
Toyota Robots - Toyota partner robot web site
Xpero - Embodied cognitive system
ABB Concept Robot FRIDA - Youtube
Adelopod Tumbling Robot - Youtube
A flying robot that can walk - Youtube
Flying Robot Seagull - Youtube
HPI G-Dog Robot - Youtube
Japanese Robot Of The Year - Youtube (2007)
Jules - Youtube
Interview With a Robot - NY Times
Pregnant robot teaches med students - Youtube
Robot Violinist - Youtube
(Tiny) Reconfigurable Robots at MIT - Youtube
Transformer Robot - Youtube
VGO active presence robot - Youtube