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3D Printed Homes


3D printing is an industry that is just starting to take off. Here is a glimpse at the current state of 3d printed home technology.

The first thing I want to do to this 3d printed house is take a trowel and smooth out the walls. However, I don't think the builders of these houses are concerned as much with the design, as they are about the structural integrity and the efficiency of the insulation.



3D printing can save on the high cost of building a home using traditional methods. This can help low-income families afford a place to live.



Some 3d printers can use local materials to build the home. In the future, 3d printed habitats might be printed on Mars or the Moon using martian clay or moon dust.

When large format 3d printing technology improves, which it will, 3D printed homes will become the norm.



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