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Future Farms Will Be High-Tech and Bio-Tech


The future of farming is robots and drones, with a dash of biotechnology. Farms may be local, indoors and vertical. Lettuce might be grown in earth, liquid, or air. Beef could come from a steer or completely produced in a laboratory. Food production must change to feed an increasing population in less space, while lowering its energy use and harmful effects on the environment.


Robots can fit in well on the farm, because the work involves doing large repetitive chores. The wide-open spaces on a farm provide a great place for robots to hone their intelligence and skills, to one day assist humans in homes and businesses, on their way to becoming our supreme overlords.



Farming is becoming more automated with robotics and hydroponics.



Indoor vertical farms can provide locally grown produce to urban areas. This reduces reduces the cost and environmental effect of transporting goods long distances.



Biotechnology is being used to create meatless meats, which can reduce the environmental impact of meat production. Biotech is also making plants more resistant to insects, herbicides, disease and drought.


Changes in the agricultural industry are happening now, because change is needed, and technology and farming are a good fit.



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