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Glowing Petunia

April 28, 2024


Firefly Petunia


The Firefly Petunia, developed by Light Bio, represents a remarkable advancement in agrobiotechnology. These genetically engineered petunias are infused with genes from bioluminescent mushrooms, allowing them to emit a continuous, soft glow that is reminiscent of moonlight. This development builds on earlier research that discovered a natural compatibility between the light-producing mechanisms of mushrooms and the metabolic processes in plants.

I was one of the first in the world to receive a Firefly Petunia and it was not a walk in the park for me to join the waitlist. First, I do not have a green thumb. I manage to kill or severely stunt the growth of most plants I touch. Secondly, I'm ambivalent about using biotechnology to alter nature outside of controlled lab settings. However, I was very interested to see for myself what these glowing plants looked like. I also thought there could be a chance they could become super high in demand and valuable, like roses on Valentine's Day. Driven by both curiosity and a hint of opportunism, I ordered three.

When the Firefly Petunia plants arrived, they were well-boxed but when I removed them from the packaging they just flopped over and I thought they were dead. I planted them anyway according to the instructions and found out they were very much alive, they just don't stand upright. They are not quite as bright as the picture above, (that is my phone brightening the image), but these plants, especially the budding flowers, do have a slight glow that is cool. I gave two plants away to friends since my investment strategy did not pan out, and my plant is still growing and glowing.


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